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Looking for new portable CMM

Hi all,
I'm looking for a portable CMM and found some Romers but not sure which one is best fit my need. I need a touch probe CMM, (PC-DMIS software preferred) to measure the mold/die feature mounted on the machine. Accuracy about 0.0002", arm is able to reach 40". I already submit a request to Romer but still want to ask your opinion on any pros and cons of the portable CMM? What machine type you have or suggest, etc...
Currently we have to disassemble the mold/die to put on the CMM to meaaure so I'd liek to avoid that.
Thank you in advance.
  • I think Kami does an excellent job of explaining the real world accuracy of an arm.

    What I could use a little explanation is if you think my advice is in any way suspect just because of who I work for? I don’t give people advice which I feel could be, but hey, maybe I need a sanity check.
  • Thank you all for your posts. I know that I can always rely on you guys.
    Have a good weekend.
  • I think Kami does an excellent job of explaining the real world accuracy of an arm.

    What I could use a little explanation is if you think my advice is in any way suspect just because of who I work for? I don’t give people advice which I feel could be, but hey, maybe I need a sanity check.

    I don't think your advice is suspect because of who work for, unless you fail to disclose who you work for upfront, then it does become suspect.

    My wariness has nothing to do with you personally or the particular company you work for.

    Eric Hollenbeck may well be a man of unimpeachable integrity, but 99% of the people who read your post on this forum have no way to know that based solely on your name. I won't get into naming, but there have been salespeople involved with arms, software, & CMMs making posts here and on other forums with a heavy slant and without willingly disclosing their employer.

    This is not real hard to understand. Think about how you might interpret a comment from someone who owns and drives a Mustang vs. someone who not only owns and drives one, but is also employed by Ford. The second person has a vested interest. They stand to profit, maybe not directly or immediately but in some way a disinterested 3rd party does not.

    Or a better example. What if the discussion were about the "new" articulating tip type probes, (The REVO is the one I know the name of, but I am sure there are/will be other soon). How much difference would it make to you when reading a post I might make about the probe if you knew I worked for the manufacturer of the probe, or one of it's competitors, or was just an end user?
  • I think I agree with most of what you are saying, the sticky part is that although I’d like to think that my company agrees with everything I say, I’m not exactly their official spokesman. Because of this I prefer to keep a low profile. I have, since I joined the forum, always stated my company info on my “Additional Information” and of course I do use my real name.

    There are also other folks I work with, some very technical and good, who have stopped replying to the forum because they have felt like you guys have ganged up on them. One I work with often who is very much not a salesman.

    I guess it’s a bit of a double edge sword in the sense that the people who know the most about the products you guys are discussing, happen to be the very people that make them. Of course since they make the products, they happen to be partial to them versus the competition’s. For this reason I try to keep my comments application specific and very provable because I’m not a salesman.
  • I think I agree with most of what you are saying, the sticky part is that although I’d like to think that my company agrees with everything I say, I’m not exactly their official spokesman. Because of this I prefer to keep a low profile. I have, since I joined the forum, always stated my company info on my “Additional Information” and of course I do use my real name.

    There are also other folks I work with, some very technical and good, who have stopped replying to the forum because they have felt like you guys have ganged up on them. One I work with often who is very much not a salesman.

    I guess it’s a bit of a double edge sword in the sense that the people who know the most about the products you guys are discussing, happen to be the very people that make them. Of course since they make the products, they happen to be partial to them versus the competition’s. For this reason I try to keep my comments application specific and very provable because I’m not a salesman.

    Darn, it sounds like I missed a good thread or two. Rolling eyes

    From what I have seen, most of us are very respectful and appreciative when real technical help is offered.

    Of course when someone comes along and spouts arrogant nonsense and treats our usually legitimate complaints as if we were just spoiled children. . .

    Pc-Dmis does a lot of amazing things well. But there are few issues that are very sore points with most of people who actually have to use this software every day.

    You are right, it is a double edged sword in more ways than one. I am sure most of you take pride in the work that you do and it pains to hear the ungrateful users take umbrage with the corporation as a whole.

    Pc-Dlrn has generated errors and will shut down now.