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compare a measured point to a theoretical line from CAD

Ok so I'm pretty new with this software, but here's what I'm trying to do:

I'm using the auto line feature to guide to a modeled center line of a hole (the hole dia is smaller than the probe I'm using).. Using the readout I can see the distance to this center line as a vector and see how far away the hole is compared to where it's modeled to be.
After seeing the hole is correct, I'd like to now take a point with the probe in the hole, and then compare that measured point to the vector of the CAD center line. Ideally, I'm looking for it to report a distance in inches
  • Check your help files for READPOINT, that may get you started.

  • I found the "Read Point" function. All that does is tell you where the probe is located when the button is pressed while in the "Auto Feature" box, it doesn't actually report anything. I'm looking for a way to report a "point to line" vector comparison, when the line is an auto feature line, and the point is manually taken, if that's possible.
  • I found the "Read Point" function. All that does is tell you where the probe is located when the button is pressed while in the "Auto Feature" box, it doesn't actually report anything. I'm looking for a way to report a "point to line" vector comparison, when the line is an auto feature line, and the point is manually taken, if that's possible.

    Readpoint is not what you're looking for; that function returns the XYZ of the current probe location.

    What it sounds like you are interested in, is the Location of a Circle. Due to the circle size, it sounds like you are planning on using a 1-hit circle -- this is fine.

    1. Import and heal your model
    2. Create your alignment as indicated by your drawing
    3a. Use Auto Circle and choose your target/nominal from the CAD with a click of the mouse, or by entering the XYZIJKD manually.
    3b. Change the number of hits to 1
    3c. Change the number of sample hits to 3
    4. Create a Location Dimension with the appropriate axes and tolerances.

    Program is done.

    Execute the alignment. When the execution reached your 1-hit circle, you will take the 3 sample hits on the surface around the hole. Then you can nest the probe in the hole and take a single hit.

    Assumptions: you are using PCDMIS v2009 or later
    : the surface around the hole is flat
    : the hole's vector is perpendicular to the face.

    Good luck!

    Colin Simithraaratchy
    Applications Engineer - Irving TX
  • Took me a little bit to get the "auto dimension" set the way I wanted it reported, but ultimately this is exactly what I was looking for, thank you so much!
  • I always use this method when i use the tracker and ball doesnt fit in the hole.
    But now i have a part that has 400 holes and i want to find an option where i can maybe take 1 hit and no sample hits.
    maybe by building or inspecting to a line like the other guy had mentioned and getting a tp to the line or a 3d distance.
    ive tryed googling and searching here but i cant find anyhing about it so i read this thread and it had a similiar question so i thought id comment in here and maybe someone with experience similiar to mine can help
    thank you in advance ;-)

    Readpoint is not what you're looking for; that function returns the XYZ of the current probe location.

    What it sounds like you are interested in, is the Location of a Circle. Due to the circle size, it sounds like you are planning on using a 1-hit circle -- this is fine.

    1. Import and heal your model
    2. Create your alignment as indicated by your drawing
    3a. Use Auto Circle and choose your target/nominal from the CAD with a click of the mouse, or by entering the XYZIJKD manually.
    3b. Change the number of hits to 1
    3c. Change the number of sample hits to 3
    4. Create a Location Dimension with the appropriate axes and tolerances.

    Program is done.

    Execute the alignment. When the execution reached your 1-hit circle, you will take the 3 sample hits on the surface around the hole. Then you can nest the probe in the hole and take a single hit.

    Assumptions: you are using PCDMIS v2009 or later
    : the surface around the hole is flat
    : the hole's vector is perpendicular to the face.

    Good luck!

    Colin Simithraaratchy
    Applications Engineer - Irving TX
  • Just came back to check and no response guess since its a month old
    Ne ways after posting in here i found out how to get away with just 1 hit even if your holes are on a contoured surface
    You program an auto circle change the hits to 1 hit and on the tab where it says nominals open it up and select vector
    Then when u go to execute it right click on the probe readout hit setup and select the vector option and the closest to cad then your ready
    diameters don't really work to well but you can write a comment on your report saying you checked hole dia with gages and delete the df line from the tp and just report x y z and tp
  • You don't have to use AutoFeatures to build a single point circle.

    You can also use a Measured Single Point Circle. Whereas with an AutoFeatures, you are forced to take sample hits for each circle (but it is much easier to select from a CAD model), with a Measured Single Point Circle, you must select a 'reference plane', and then simply shoot the circle itself with a single hit.

    I find this really useful when I have a flat surface with many holes that I am trying to find the location of. Of course, when using this method, the diameter of the hole is going to be subject to the hole's circularity -- as the 'egginess' of the hole increases, so does the diametric uncertainty. And naturally, if your surface is not flat (typical with aircraft wingskins, automotive exteriors, or naval hulls), this technique won't work very well at all.

    search in the Help Menu for "creating a single-point measured circle feature". it has the how-to.