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i cant seem to figure out how to get pcdmis to report my measured numbers it is beyond my level of knowledge .
  • i did not mean for it to be taken as bashing i still feel that the class i attend was ineffectively present to me and if it was taken like i was bashing anyone or anything that was not my intent and i appolgize to any all who were offended. i feel maybe colin was not able to help me understand that does not mean that no one else there can not. it just means we were not on the same level.i have learned throughout my life if something is explained more than one way more than one person will understand.
  • QCINSP38, I have to agree with everyone else here. You have very generally stated that you have a problem, but have not given anyone any information about what it is. You are upset, but you have done nothing to help yourself but complain generally to the vast open space that is the internet. This is not an official support portal, this is a user's forum. I believe you have a genuine problem, and I would encourage you to call support at 1-800-343-7933. Colin is an AE, and he is often onsite or teaching classes and can't answer all the questions of the hundreds of students he's taught over the years. So take some initiative, and call our technical support line. Or if you'd prefer to try to get the opinions and help of the fine folks here on the forum, please try to give them some kind of hint of what you are trying to accomplish. If you have any experience with any equipment, you should be able to describe the measurement task, the functions you are using in PC-DMIS to accomplish it, what you expect to be getting and what you are actually getting. Until you provide that here, these experienced folks will poke and prod you until you do, or ignore you. I think calling our technical support line is your best bet.
