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No images in Operator Comments

WARNING - First-time Poster!
When I import images into my full-screen Operator Comments, they are supposed to become part of the program, right? Most of my programs end up only showing SOME of the images. The Op Comment still shows the path that the comment was retrieved from, but no image is displayed. The program I just created - NONE of the images displayed, but all of them show the path that they were retrieved from. Any ideas? I have fixed in the past by REMOVEing the image and re-ADDing the image, but I get very tired of re-doing this activity so frequently. Thanks for any help.
  • Version?
    It could be simply a matter of "marking" the line of code, depending on what version you are using.
  • Could it be the filename length? My folder is rather far down the heirarchy on a network drive, with filenames 80 to 100 characters. Windows has no problem with this, but does PC-DMIS? I moved my image source files close to the root (resulting in filenames of about 20-30 characters), re-imported the images, and now they appear in my program.
  • Does anybody know if there IS a max filename length for the images in an Operator Comment? The complete filename still appears in the "Import Media" window, but no image displays in the comment. Or, is there a max image file SIZE? Images range from 28KB to 2,026KB.
  • I'm not sure about the file size, but I've noticed that this happens if the file is stored on a network drive or another computer.
    Move the picture to the CMM computer and it should eliminate it.
  • Is it marked for execution per the help file, some of that below?

    Marking External Objects for ExecutionBy default, external objects print and do not execute when executing a part program. However, with some objects, the desired action may be to execute and not print.
    Example: When embedding a graphic, the desired action may be to print the graphic to the report; while when embedding a sound or movie clip, the desired action may be to execute the object to play the clip at execution time.

    External objects have four modes of execution:
    • Print – Don't execute
    • Don't print – Don't execute
    • Don't Print – Execute
    • Print – Execute
    To switch between the different modes, press F3 while the insertion point is on the same line as the external object in the Edit window.
    Hash lines and hashed borders are used to indicate the objects current mode of execution.
  • Is it marked for execution per the help file, some of that below?

    Marking External Objects for ExecutionBy default, external objects print and do not execute when executing a part program. However, with some objects, the desired action may be to execute and not print.
    Example: When embedding a graphic, the desired action may be to print the graphic to the report; while when embedding a sound or movie clip, the desired action may be to execute the object to play the clip at execution time.

    External objects have four modes of execution:

    • Print – Don't execute
    • Don't print – Don't execute
    • Don't Print – Execute
    • Print – Execute
    To switch between the different modes, press F3 while the insertion point is on the same line as the external object in the Edit window.
    Hash lines and hashed borders are used to indicate the objects current mode of execution.


    In newer versions, you can actually place images inside of comments.
    It doesn't get marked in this manner.

  • Thanks for the tips - I currently have the programs stored on a network drive (apparently a problem). Storing them on the local computer poses some security/backup issues, but I will see if it helps the image display problem. Do the images become a part of the program, so they travel with it no matter where it is stored?
  • TK,

    In newer versions, you can actually place images inside of comments.
    It doesn't get marked in this manner.


    .i am about to get an upgrade from 3.7 to 2011...... will i have to redo all programs with picture since they are external objects or will they still work?
  • The image becomes a part, you can link it and place it where you want. This works well to keep the file updated (changes are seen during execution) and the file can be used by multiple machines. If you don't link you'll have to redo it each time something needs changing (to the image).

    Thanks from the stone age John!
