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So many questions...Lets start here

I am a new user to pcdmis and using a leica laser tracker. I am feeling very comfortable shooting 2D projects but having some difficulties shooting 3D. I guess I can start off with this basic question... when creating a line or a plane using just the RRR or with nests other then the edge nests how do I know wich way to pull away from the feature. For example, I was shooting 2 parellel planes and constructing a plane in the midway point for my datum point. In creating the 2 planes i pulled away from the surfaces <---I I----> and the constructed plane was not centered but offset to one side. Inserting like this worked I----> <-----I why? Stuck out tongue closed eyes-Please be easy on the Noob
  • So just to clarify if you were to zero on the mid point and then tolerance the planes they wouldnt be off equally? Also why are you doing a mid point instead of a mid plane? The vector is going to be equal to the first plane selected. So if you select plane 1 and plane 2 to do a midplane and plane 1 has a Z+ vector (0 I/ 0 J/+1 K) then the mid plane/point should have the same vector. Hopefully this helps. Also I see you are using a 401 tracker, did you just take delivery of this unit, and if so when do you go to training? Did the company that you purchased the system go over anything with you when they dropped off the tracker. I would suggest setting up your icon bar with the quick start menu and using the portable toolbar to help you understand how pcdmis functions and does alignments. Let me know if that helps.
  • That does help clerify it thank you, and I appologize it was not a midway point it was a theoretical mid plane as a Datum surface. I got the tracker October and had a 2 day session with the sales rep before using it. More than a month later we finally had what was to be a 5 day training session. (The instructor missed his flight for the first day of class) The next 2 days was how to setup and BASIC use of the tracker in which I already knew and what was gone over the rest of the class just wasnt enough time to get into the more advanced states of PCDMIS. I went from using Cam2 FARO 2 years ago to a whole new realm of software.
  • What are some of the main problems that you are having? I can help if i know some of the areas that you are directly trying to deal with. What i would suggest with you is setting up your screen in pcdmis. I would get the summary window, quick start, portable toolbar, tracker toolbar, status window, and graphic windows up. This can all be done with a couple of clicks. Having this stuff up will help you not only in finding stuff but help with the programming within pcdmis. I would also sugguest using the quick start menu alignment button to hep understand how pcdmis does alignments. You may understand how another software functions but this help with the training process. Let me know and i will try to help.
  • Hey wicked just to let you know what I found out. I had a rep come in and help out with some problems that I was running into. Only to find out I really wasn't crazy... He found a glitch in my software that the tracker wasn't properly recognizing in wich direction the RRR was being pulled away from the feature, therefore not compensating the sphere and projection properly. A system update should be the fix, just waiting for him to get back with me.
  • Thats good to hear it all worked out. If you were talking about using the towards away function for some of the features i quit using it. I use the comp point option where you take your series of points and on the last one hold the probe the direction you want to comp.