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Point Clouds

Did some scanning last week. Had 2 pointclouds in the program. I exported both point clouds (one at a time) into XYZ files using the current alignment.

These point clouds pull into Geomagic just fine. I wanted to show something to someone today in the program, and one of the point clouds was empty. I did not empty it. It was still there when I saved the program after I exported both point clouds.

So, I tried to import the missing point cloud. It will not import into the correct location, as it it is off by almost 2000mm. I even tried using each alignment in the program, and NONE of them will import the point cloud into the right location.

What is going on with this?
  • Hi Matt,

    had the same prob in the past.

    What works for me:
    in import dialog for the COP select two times the START-Alignment.


    Attached Files
  • Nope, didn't work, neither A1 (twice), A2 (twice), or STARTUP (twice), or any combo of the A2/Startup.
  • Has anyone figured out what happens to the point clouds. This has happened to us here at WAF a few times also. In fact it just happened again today. I hit save, and boom it was gone.
  • Have you tried contacting HEX to see what they have to say? Maybe you have discovered a bug that they havent seen before. If you know that there is a certain sequence that you do that results in the lost data, you need to document and forward it on.
  • In my case, unknown sequence. Large scanning job. Make ONE program that aligns the job, run it so it is aligned. Save program as SEC1, SEC2, SEC3, SEC4, SEC5, SEC6. Close, open each SEC program and scan that section. ONE of those programs had no data a couple days later when I went to open it up. So, what sequence? The others still all had their data in them. Lucky for me, I had exported the XYZ data already so it wasn't lost, but I couldn't get it to import correctly.
  • Are you saving to a network or local? Are you wifi or direct? Not saying these are the issue just trying to see if there is a common factor. Maybe there is something common between all these losses.
  • Usually I do not notice it until I reopen the file a few days later as Matt is stating. Only happens once in a while.

    I was able to successfully recover the pointcloud today.

    I went into the file where I have my programs saved and changed the name of the "^" and "~" files that PCDmis creates. Opened it up, and the model and cloud were not present. I imported the CAD file from the original file that I originally lost the pointcloud from and the point cloud re-appeared with no lost points.

    Maybe all you have to do is reimport the CAD file..... not sure at this time, I guess I will not know until the next time it happens.

    Also, has anyone else had their color map change when they reopen a file. i.e., you have complete coverage in your color map( and that is what you see in the little preview window when reopening it ) when you save, but then when reopen it, it is an earlier colormap where you didn't have complete coverage. Then you have to delete the colormap and redo it and you get back what should have been there in the first place.
  • Are you saving to a network or local? Are you wifi or direct? Not saying these are the issue just trying to see if there is a common factor. Maybe there is something common between all these losses.

    Directly on the computer that PCDMIS is installed.
  • As much as i like pcdmis I have found in regards to the scanning it is finicky in regards to the sequence in which things are done and more times then not just all around problematic. When it works it seems to work well, but when it wants to act up it seems like it really goes out of its way.

    Scott if you can get that to happen as far as the recovery goes with the stated work around I would suggest forwarding that on to HEX because maybe there is a issue with the point cloud and the auto save function that you maybe found. Like i was saying if you can prove out a workaround that works it might help them find a solution. Good luck guys
  • I have autosave turned off. Also, the one I lost that data on had no cad data.