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Roller Alignment AT401

Need some help on doing roller alignment, have (2) programs one lets me check roll alignment to baseline - works until I move tracker and use recheck baseline to continue checking rolls. Here I loose ref. and when I check a roll that has been checked before the Horizontal alignment error is way out from previous check.

The other program Roller Alignment 2.0 lets me check rolls with a baseline perpendicular or parallel to rolls but I have not found out how to move tracker with bundle and continue checking the other rolls.

Still playing with programs but could use some tips. PC-DMIS 2013

  • Before you move are you doing a bundle alignment? You have to do a bundle alignment before its moved and then when you move the system you need to finish the remainder of the bundle process to relock in to the previous station/alignment.

    Bundle is just a series of points (minimum of 3 i think) done in a certain order (in pcdmis) that takes the initial locational data and compares it to the new data and relates everything so that you can continue. Its similar to a leapfrog on a arm but I have been told its more accurate. You will want to stage 3 locators on your part at different heights, locations, and areas while still being able to be seen at all tracker moves. Again I think 3 is the minimum.

    Just curious, did you just get this system?
  • Yes 5-6 mo. ago AT-401 with the PC-DIMS 2013. I have done some work with it on larger machine bases and have bundled a few times but not when running a program /routine like "Roller Alignment" The PC_DIMS part program leads me thru the alignment and lets me adjust a roller move to next roller and end program. Before running the part program the bundle button is active once program is started the bundle button is no longer option unless I end the Program than bundle option is active again but have not found a way to restart the Roller Program again lets say to check roller #8 on to end, it always start from the beginning with baseline then master roller which no longer in view to the tracker.

    Again most of my work has been just taking measurements, features not run a internal program.

  • Yes, the bundle option should go away when you are running/rerunning a program that you wrote. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head with a basic understanding of what you are trying to measure/accomplish is to write programs that are in line with the amount of rollers you are trying to inspect. Essentially you might have to re-bundle a couple times to get what you need (keep in mind you do get some stackup error the more times that you bundle). So you could measure one roller and end, save the program as something else, and then basically start adding to that program. Maybe have a program called 8 rollers or something. I am sure there are some other solutions, but without seeing it in person it is hard for me to give you a better option.