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Point out of tolerance zone

See attached PDF.

I just pulled up a program I made a few weeks ago. I have to run a few parts through this program to complete the PPAP requirement.

On this particular part, there is one deep pocket that I can not get complete scan coverage on, unless I take the part down and cut away a section of the part so I can complete the scan. Since I have to take the part down ( move it ) I have to do an equate alignment.

Now when I run the program and I get to the point where I have to re probe the part with the probe tip, instead of just scanning with the laser. I am getting this message. Can I change the "tolerance zone"? Only place I see this 10mm tolerance zone is in F5 under the check box for " find nominals" or something like that. I have tried changing it to different values but it still tells me it is out of the 10mm tolerance zone.

Only way I was able to get the program to run through was to delete the program lines that were giving me this message and just redo them.

What am I missing here? I never clicked on the CAD model or anything to set up any nominals, so I am not even sure where it is getting a nominal figure from.
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