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Single Hit Circle - behavioral change

I am having issues with Single Hit Circles. Long story short: new employer, new absolute arm, fresh round of training. I had been through training in the past and have worked with Romers for over three years but the training at this new company was intended more to benefit others in my department. Anyways, only since the training, my Single Hit Circles have been mis-behaving. The parts I check have many perforations and small holes that I don't need to check form on, just many different distance checks, hence Single Hit is very quick and easy for this need.

Quick Start Method: I measure a PLN then select CIR with one hit and specify the feature as PLN1 rather than Workplane. When I take a hit, I get "HIT 1 OUT OF RANGE".

Auto Circle Method: I set the Sample Hits to "3" and the Circle Hits to "1". When I take the initial points, everything works out fine. I hit "Create", a circle is made, and shows in Graphics. The diameter of the probed Circle is exactly the Nominal I keyed in at the Auto Circle window, not an Actual result. Now, when I go back and Execute Program or Execute Feature, all goes well throughout the Sample Hits. The moment I trigger the Single Hit for the Circle, it disappears from the Graphics window. When I confirm the Hit and review my results in Command Mode, the Diameter shows as "0". The Graphics window still shows the CIR1 ID Tag but it points to open space. The Distance measurements from this invisible circle are also out of whack.

I couldn't find this exact problem in any other Thread. One came close but never got fully answered. I already checked my preferences...."Any order execute tolerance" is set to "0". Ruled that out. Also, the Ruby is definitely passing through the feature PLN established. I am wondering if some simple toggle command or setting has been changed during the normal course of training and I simply need to change it back? I am awaiting contact from Tech Support of the company we bought the machine from. I have not yet tried Hexagon.

Machine Info: Absolute with PC DMIS portable CAD 2013 MR1
  • I am having issues with Single Hit Circles. Long story short: new employer, new absolute arm, fresh round of training. I had been through training in the past and have worked with Romers for over three years but the training at this new company was intended more to benefit others in my department. Anyways, only since the training, my Single Hit Circles have been mis-behaving. The parts I check have many perforations and small holes that I don't need to check form on, just many different distance checks, hence Single Hit is very quick and easy for this need.

    Quick Start Method: I measure a PLN then select CIR with one hit and specify the feature as PLN1 rather than Workplane. When I take a hit, I get "HIT 1 OUT OF RANGE".

    Auto Circle Method: I set the Sample Hits to "3" and the Circle Hits to "1". When I take the initial points, everything works out fine. I hit "Create", a circle is made, and shows in Graphics. The diameter of the probed Circle is exactly the Nominal I keyed in at the Auto Circle window, not an Actual result. Now, when I go back and Execute Program or Execute Feature, all goes well throughout the Sample Hits. The moment I trigger the Single Hit for the Circle, it disappears from the Graphics window. When I confirm the Hit and review my results in Command Mode, the Diameter shows as "0". The Graphics window still shows the CIR1 ID Tag but it points to open space. The Distance measurements from this invisible circle are also out of whack.

    I couldn't find this exact problem in any other Thread. One came close but never got fully answered. I already checked my preferences...."Any order execute tolerance" is set to "0". Ruled that out. Also, the Ruby is definitely passing through the feature PLN established. I am wondering if some simple toggle command or setting has been changed during the normal course of training and I simply need to change it back? I am awaiting contact from Tech Support of the company we bought the machine from. I have not yet tried Hexagon.

    Machine Info: Absolute with PC DMIS portable CAD 2013 MR1

    I wonder if it's the 2013 probe size bug. Check the calculated size of your probe tip -- if the bug is the error, then the single hit function is failing because the 'probe' isn't intersecting the cutting plane.
  • Thanks for the tip, Colin. The calculated size checked out OK. However, you set me out along the right path. A closer look at the Graphics window showed the probe not connecting properly to a measured PLN. When resting on a PLN, the graphic probe sunk into the plane exactly to its equator. Each of my probes were doing this. Somehow, the probe files in the WAI/PCDMIS folder had become corrupt. After deleting the files in that folder and restarting PCDMIS, my probe list had refreshed. After equipping each probe, the list was re-populated from the master probe files in RDS. The problem has gone away.

    I hope this helps anyone else this may happen to.


    -Continuous Improvement-

    Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb. -Sir Winston Churchill
  • If you F9 your LoadProbe statement, you can use the Edit button and check to see if PCDMIS has changed the calculated size of your tip. This is a known 2013 bug. The graphic of the probe isn't impacted by this value, it's defined somewhere else. So, you can have a normal-looking probe that has had the calibrated size changed.

    Recommend update to 2014 asap.
  • Where exactly are the files I need to delete for the probes. Will it automatically reload them?
  • Where exactly are the files I need to delete for the probes. Will it automatically reload them?

    With no program open, go to the drop down menus, Edit>Set Search Path> and look in the drop down that comes up for probes. That's where your probes are stored.

    The Probe issue doesn't exist in the latest service packs for 2013MR1, so patch to MR6 as soon as you can. Make sure you delete all probes and recreate them when you do.
  • I wonder if it's the 2013 probe size bug. Check the calculated size of your probe tip -- if the bug is the error, then the single hit function is failing because the 'probe' isn't intersecting the cutting plane.

    getting the same thing on 2011, though I suspect a corrupt probe file.
  • Probe Size Bug - UPDATE - 10/26/15

    My pc crashed recently and needed a new hard drive. I installed a fresh new PC-DMIS 2014.1 and within days noticed my measured diameter was way off. Out of curiosity I deleted the .prb files and refreshed them and the problem went away. Beware, the problem is still out there........