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Colormap Model Viewer?

I have an arm with an RS3 laser scanner that we use quite a bit. I don't like the reporting feature of the colormap so I've been taking multiple screenshots of a colormapped part from different views and sending those off as first articles. This works fine albeit time consuming so I am thinking there has to be an easier way to view and rotate the colormapped model.

Does anyone know of a 3d viewer I might be able to use in order to send the file off to the engineer and allow them to rotate the part however they want to instead of me taking screenshots of multiple views?

I am able to save any model in Pro-E as a U3d file and open it in Adobe and rotate it but I cannot save the actual colormapped model.
  • Time consuming?

    - import model
    - scan part
    - select / filter / clean
    - align to model
    - generate colormap with annotations

    taking 5-7 screenshots would take me >30 seconds, using Insert > Report Command > Screen Capture. Is that what you're doing?

    PCDMIS doesn't have an external viewer for now. Exporting a model will only export the model, not the PCDMIS object that is a colormap.
  • i usually do a couple of view sets and then alt>print screen and save them as jpg's. This has worked fine and haven't any complaints.

    I personally think a free program viewer similar to Metrologweb would be nice for very helpful for looking at color mapped cad models.

    Colin, I just tired your method. The color scale doesn't show up on the screen capture....am I missing something?
  • i usually do a couple of view sets and then alt>print screen and save them as jpg's. This has worked fine and haven't any complaints.

    I personally think a free program viewer similar to Metrologweb would be nice for very helpful for looking at color mapped cad models.

    Colin, I just tired your method. The color scale doesn't show up on the screen capture....am I missing something?

    I actually tried the same thing with the same result. Hexagon told me that some report editing is required in order to have the color scale show up at the same time.

    I'm not doing the exact same thing as alt>print screen because I have multiple screens so i use the snipping tool and save the views in a separate folder. I started using multiple viewsets and that speeds things up but I think that there is some real value in a customer or engineer being able to open the colormapped model and rotating or zooming in on features of interest. I know the pointcloud scanning feature is still relatively new but it's definitely a feature hexagon should think about incorporating.

  • what version are y'all using to Screen Capture?

    Honestly, I usually use Insert > Report Command > Analysis View to get my report pics. I've found that Screen Capture pulls a static picture that doesn't update from run to run, whereas Analysis View will do so. Got burned when I set a customer 20 reports with the exact same picture on each one -- thankfully I had saved the runs and could replace Screen Cap with Analysis View. Whew.

    I've been using the Screen Cap / Analysis View since PCDMIS 4.3mr1. If something is not working right in your versions, I would definitely like to know.

    colin.simithraaratchy@hexagon.com, as I am not on here enough to provide real tech support, unlike Mr. Carpenter.
  • what version are y'all using to Screen Capture?

    Honestly, I usually use Insert > Report Command > Analysis View to get my report pics. I've found that Screen Capture pulls a static picture that doesn't update from run to run, whereas Analysis View will do so. Got burned when I set a customer 20 reports with the exact same picture on each one -- thankfully I had saved the runs and could replace Screen Cap with Analysis View. Whew.

    I've been using the Screen Cap / Analysis View since PCDMIS 4.3mr1. If something is not working right in your versions, I would definitely like to know.

    colin.simithraaratchy@hexagon.com, as I am not on here enough to provide real tech support, unlike Mr. Carpenter.

    I'm using V2015.1.

    I wasn't posting in order to report a problem. I haven't had any issues with the snipping tool and it works for the intended purpose. I simply wanted to know if anyone had heard of a way to export an actual colormapped model.

    Regardless of the tool we use to report a colormap, it's still a 2D image where multiple views are required in order to fully convey the results. Nobody can argue the benefit of having an actual 3D model that can be rotated for an overall better understanding of what is going on with the part. It's not always easy to clearly show every feature from a few angles on complex parts so there's more that goes into it than"taking 5-7 screenshots using Insert > Report Command > Screen Capture".

    An exported 3D colormap would save time for the inspector and whoever else would be viewing the model down the road.