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x axis error

Hey, friends;

I'm having an issue with a romer job. I'm doing an iterative alignment: origin to one hole, align to a second hole, plane off the sample hits from the two circles and a 3rd vector point off the base.

When I'm done running the alignment, I get a popup that says 'x alignment error' and gives me a deviation in the x axis... I'm totally bamboozled.

I've attached a picture of the base and a picture of the error code if anyone has time to give me a hand <3

Attached Files
  • Can you post your alignment code? i have never seen that error but its showing PLANE[PNT1 and As Datum=X Error. Your plane isn't your X axis alignment is it?
  • I am planning in the x, yes. My workplane is update to reflect that.

    startup    =alignment/start,recall:use_part_setup,list=yes
                format/text,options, ,headings,symbols, ;nom,meas,tol,dev,outtol, ,
                tip/tip1, shankijk=0, 0, 1, angle=0
                point autotrigger/on, on, 2.54
    xxxx1      =feat/contact/circle/default,cartesian,in,least_sqr
                start ang=0,end ang=360
                angle vec=<0,0,1>
                show feature parameters=no
                show contact parameters=yes
                  sample method=sample_hits
                  sample hits=3,spacer=10
                  find hole=disabled,onerror=no,read pos=no
                show hits=no
    dim loc1= location of circle xxxx1  units=mm ,$
    graph=off  text=off  mult=10.00  output=both  half angle=no
    ax    nominal       meas       +tol       -tol        dev     outtol
    x     2510.771    721.501      2.000      2.000  -1789.270   1787.270 <--------
    y      656.358    291.365      2.000      2.000   -364.993    362.993 <--------
    z     1687.350     -9.465      2.000      2.000  -1696.815   1694.815 <--------
    d        8.400      8.886      2.000      2.000      0.486      0.000 -----#---
    end of dimension loc1
    xxxx2      =feat/contact/circle/default,cartesian,in,least_sqr
                start ang=0,end ang=360
                angle vec=<0,0,1>
                show feature parameters=no
                show contact parameters=yes
                  sample method=sample_hits
                  sample hits=3,spacer=10
                  find hole=disabled,onerror=no,read pos=no
                show hits=no
    dim loc2= location of circle xxxx2  units=mm ,$
    graph=off  text=off  mult=10.00  output=both  half angle=no
    ax    nominal       meas       +tol       -tol        dev     outtol
    x     2509.683    715.626      2.000      2.000  -1794.057   1792.057 <--------
    y      652.857   -317.834      2.000      2.000   -970.690    968.690 <--------
    z     1077.761     -9.872      2.000      2.000  -1087.633   1085.633 <--------
    d        8.400      8.849      2.000      2.000      0.449      0.000 -----#---
    end of dimension loc2
    planepnt1  =feat/contact/vector point/default,cartesian
                show feature parameters=no
                show contact parameters=yes
                show hits=no
    dim loc3= location of point planepnt1  units=mm ,$
    graph=off  text=off  mult=10.00  output=both  half angle=no
    ax    nominal       meas       +tol       -tol        dev     outtol
    x     2464.936    873.550      0.500      0.500  -1591.386   1590.886 <--------
    y      508.811    -18.734      0.500      0.500   -527.545    527.045 <--------
    z     1380.322     -9.597      0.500      0.500  -1389.919   1389.419 <--------
    t        0.000   1363.244      0.500      0.500   1363.244   1362.744 -------->
    end of dimension loc3
    a1         =alignment/start,recall:use_part_setup,list=yes
                    pnt target rad=5,start label=,fixture tol=0,error label=
                    meas all feat=once,level axis=xaxis,rotate axis=yaxis,origin axis=zaxis
    dim loc4= location of circle xxxx1  units=mm ,$
    graph=off  text=off  mult=10.00  output=both  half angle=no
    ax    nominal       meas       +tol       -tol        dev     outtol
    x     2510.771   2510.771      2.000      2.000      0.000      0.000 ----#----
    y      656.358    656.358      2.000      2.000      0.000      0.000 ----#----
    z     1687.350   1687.350      2.000      2.000      0.000      0.000 ----#----
    d        8.400      8.974      2.000      2.000      0.574      0.000 -----#---
    end of dimension loc4
    dim loc5= location of circle xxxx2  units=mm ,$
    graph=off  text=off  mult=10.00  output=both  half angle=no
    ax    nominal       meas       +tol       -tol        dev     outtol
    x     2509.683   2509.683      2.000      2.000      0.000      0.000 ----#----
    y      652.857    652.857      2.000      2.000      0.000      0.000 ----#----
    z     1077.761   1078.027      2.000      2.000      0.266      0.000 -----#---
    d        8.400      8.886      2.000      2.000      0.486      0.000 -----#---
    end of dimension loc5
    dim loc6= location of point planepnt1  units=mm ,$
    graph=off  text=off  mult=10.00  output=both  half angle=no
    ax    nominal       meas       +tol       -tol        dev     outtol
    x     2464.936   2464.936      2.000      2.000      0.000      0.000 ----#----
    y      508.811    508.811      2.000      2.000      0.000      0.000 ----#----
    z     1380.322   1380.322      2.000      2.000      0.000      0.000 ----#----
    t        0.000      0.000      2.000      2.000      0.000      0.000 ----#----
    end of dimension loc6
  • When you use iterative, you don't need offsets.
  • The error coincides with the deviation between X axis dimensions. 2510.-2464.=46
  • It looks like the error says 454 but hard for me to see decimal place
  • sorry, it's habit. I can offset the origin of a fixture, so I always put it in the programs... these kind of jobs aren't the norm for me
  • Got it working.

    The issue seems to be that the plane is slightly skewed and my taking that vector point for the final plane point messed things up. Changed it to a circle with sample hits and it is all good. (thanks Hoedeman)

    And now we know!