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Using CAD to help direct our programming?

We are currently programming very large parts with several dimensions. We have an Absolute Romer Arm using PC-Dmis 2015. Using a different software for the few days I worked at my current job (3 years ago), it would light up on the CAD the next section to be checked. We have several planes, lines, points, etc. on the parts and would like to be able to do something similar. Is there any way to create a program using the CAD that would easily show the section we are to check next? For example, our inspector creates a program for a part. I want to run the program at a later point, but I have no idea what exactly plane #46 is or where line# 37 is supposed to be checking. I'd like to be able to see some sort of visual clue on the CAD that helps direct me to where to create this plane, line etc. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.
  • You can use different colors to highlight features that are hard to describe (create a four point plane at blue CAD, etc). It's easy to change the colors of different surfaces within PC-DMIS. Another option is to create a key before programming the job. On the print, label dimensions as #1, #2, etc and then coordinate the names of the features within the program. This adds additional time to the job initially but eliminates confusion and mistakes later on.
  • You can use different colors to highlight features that are hard to describe (create a four point plane at blue CAD, etc). It's easy to change the colors of different surfaces within PC-DMIS. Another option is to create a key before programming the job. On the print, label dimensions as #1, #2, etc and then coordinate the names of the features within the program. This adds additional time to the job initially but eliminates confusion and mistakes later on.
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