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Reference Dimension How To

How can I add a reference dimension to the report without having a plus or minus tolerance? What I mean is, I don't want to see +0.0000 and -0.0000 all I want to see on the report is the actual measured dimension, the nominal and how far it deviates. and no matter how far the measured value is from the nominal that the report shows it as acceptable (GREEN) even if its off by a mile.

Would I have to change the report and not show the +TOL, -TOL, and OUTTOL for reference dimensions every time or is there something simpler? Turning these on and off each time I have a reference dimension is like work. Even when I remove the extra stuff it still shows as red in color, Engineers do not like the red color, how do I change it to green, would I have to put a +/- 1,000 inches?

When using Calypso it is as simple as not putting a checkmark in the +TOL and -TOL sections. Does PC-DMIS have something as simple as that?
  • Go to the spot in your program just before the dimension that you do not want to show the tolerance or if it is out of tolerance and place your curser there in the edit window and press the F10 button ( or from the top menu press Edit then Preferences and the go to parameters) and bring up the Parameters utility window Then in the new window under the dimension tab You can change how the dimension gets reported on your report window by UN-selecting the check mark in the tolerance and the out of tol columns then press apply and OK and it will enter a command into your program changing the dimension format but this will change it for all of t he dimensions to follow as well so if you do not want those that way you will have to change it back in the same procedure as I explained.See Attachments

    Attached Files
  • Yeah that's what I was afraid of, thanks for the how to information.
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