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Crosshairs and Accuracy

I have a couple of questions about PCDMIS and our Optive Performance 2z443.

First, our vision programs use a manual hit point to locate the fixture prior to measuring. Typically the screen shows a red crosshair, which is fixed in the middle of the live view screen and moves in relation to the part, but not he live view window. This crosshair is gone, seemingly overnight. I’m not sure how this happened, nor have I been able to turn it back on. If I create a new manual hit point a dashed line shows up, but moves in relation to the live view window but is fixed in relation to the part. So when I use the jog box, the crosshairs will disappear off the screen. Do you know how I can fix this?

When creating a program in PCDMIS, I can usually click on the screen with my mouse to select the points where I want to measure, even in live view. This function is also turned off now. If I click on the screen it does nothing, when it should be auto-populating the all of the point location values and vectors.

I also have questions about MultiCapture and Zoom.
Is MultiCapture less accurate than one at a time?
What is the difference in accuracy between zoomed in and zoomed out?
Does having the lights on in the room have an effect on the measurements? (Personally I don’t think it does.)

I am comparing programs, our current program is one point at a time to measure a part, I also have a version that uses MultiCapture. The current program is zoomed in about half way and we turn off the lights in the lab when the machine is running. The MultiCapture program is zoomed out all the way to measure as much as possible and I have left the lights on while programming and running the program. I am getting differences in numbers up to and possibly over .007mm, which is more than enough to make it look like the part is out of spec.

I appreciate your help.
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