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Manual Hit Targets: Quick Click and Snap To Edge

I believe this is for 2013 MR1 and above.

I just wanted to post a solution to a problem that I had with Manual Hit Targets and the software automatically snapping to an edge and then moving onto the next target without me verifying that was the correct edge.

We have new parts that need chamfers machined in. Well, after deburr those edges round out and it is hard for the vision system to pick up a crisp edge, so I needed to manually find it. The problem we had is that since those edges were rounded, the CMM would automatically snap to an edge that IT deemed OK, which sometimes wasn't the edge we wanted. It would then automatically move onto the next manual hit target. This would lead us needing to remeasure the parts, hoping it would grab the right edge.

Go into Settings Editor and find "QuickClick" and set that to "0" then save. A few items below "QuickClick" is "SnapToEdge", set that to "False".

Now, with every manual hit target, you will need to click the continue button instead of it automatically moving to the next one. It is a little bit more cumbersome, but this allows us to verify we have the right edge. It saves us from needing to remeasure parts, especially on our 10 minute+ program.

Hope this helps someone!