What are the pros and cons of PC-DMIS Vision compared to OGP's MeasuresX software? And what about the durability of the Hexagon's hardware? Can it be used with a camera attached to a probe head?
Hi jleond. Pcdmis Vision is used on our Optiv product and our range of CMM's with the CMMV on a wrist. If you email me at
neil.ryan@hexagon.com, I can provide you with a number of presentations highlighting the added functionality to Pcdmis - Vision over the last few versions. Hopefully these will be of some use in demonstrating the advantages
Hi jleond. Pcdmis Vision is used on our Optiv product and our range of CMM's with the CMMV on a wrist. If you email me at
neil.ryan@hexagon.com, I can provide you with a number of presentations highlighting the added functionality to Pcdmis - Vision over the last few versions. Hopefully these will be of some use in demonstrating the advantages