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Surface Hits without Focus

Good Afternoon:

I'm constructing a plane out of 3 surface hits in on my optiv. I remember in class where we used focus on the first hit and I think leveled to it and then took 2 more hits without having to focus again. It made it a little faster.

I was looking for the setting or menu to turn of focus but couldn't find it. Can someone help me out? Thanks.
  • Since my thread is taking about surface points, I;d thought I continue with it since we're still taking about surface points.

    I'm having some problems taking a surface point during execution. I can test it fine during the but it's out of focus when I run the routine.

    I made routine that will check the ID and OD of brass cylinders that have different diameters and heights. Most have the same height but a few of the mix are taller/shorter. Its starts off with a manual alignment with a touch probe on a corner fixture I had made. Then I move the origin to the inside corner. Then it goes to dcc mode with the vision probe. I'll bypass the manual alignments once my fixture is secure to the table. There is an operator input for the part number, then assignments alter the theos, target valves, and diameter of a circle based on the op input. The I use that circle (ID) as a temporary XY orgin. Then I need to check the thickness of the cylinder to adjust for focusing (this is the part I am new at). Then z orgin to that surface point and move on to the OD of the part which is also altered with assignments like the OD based of the original op input. The method worked great offline but not so much at the machine.

    I was able to run a few different size parts but when I got to the 3rd part, it didn't focus on the surface hit even thought it was the same height as the other parts. I tried adjusting the range and duration but its not making that much of a difference.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  • Since my thread is taking about surface points, I;d thought I continue with it since we're still taking about surface points.

    I'm having some problems taking a surface point during execution. I can test it fine during the but it's out of focus when I run the routine.

    I made routine that will check the ID and OD of brass cylinders that have different diameters and heights. Most have the same height but a few of the mix are taller/shorter. Its starts off with a manual alignment with a touch probe on a corner fixture I had made. Then I move the origin to the inside corner. Then it goes to dcc mode with the vision probe. I'll bypass the manual alignments once my fixture is secure to the table. There is an operator input for the part number, then assignments alter the theos, target valves, and diameter of a circle based on the op input. The I use that circle (ID) as a temporary XY orgin. Then I need to check the thickness of the cylinder to adjust for focusing (this is the part I am new at). Then z orgin to that surface point and move on to the OD of the part which is also altered with assignments like the OD based of the original op input. The method worked great offline but not so much at the machine.

    I was able to run a few different size parts but when I got to the 3rd part, it didn't focus on the surface hit even thought it was the same height as the other parts. I tried adjusting the range and duration but its not making that much of a difference.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
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