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Vision Crashes When Measuring Circles

Running PC-DMIS 2013 MR1 SP5 on Windows 7 PC connected to an Optiv Performance z443
I have several part programs that run though to completion using touch probes
I received a part that requires vision due to the crossholes (there are a lot) being generally too small

So I created the part program and was faced with many issues...
(Such as all of the numbers randomly changing by thousandths, leaving me to clean up everything with 0+0's!)

However, it is done, and I'm trying to check it, but it crashes at the first measurement.

Strangely enough, it worked before!

I have not been able to run this program all of the way through, it only crashes when it measures a crosshole.

The way the program is set up is it performs an alignment using the touch probe, then switches to the camera
The camera looks for a crosshole, and if it does not find it, it rotates 180° and tries again (where it will find it, or we made the part wrong!) Otherwise it continues as normal.

However pretty much since I added the "OnError" stuff it starts crashing at the hole.

I was able to verify that it works (the OnError) previously, and, upon this discovery, moved on to programming the rest of the part.
I needed to get the crosshole perfect or I couldn't measure the part, you see.

So it worked for a bit, but not anymore, and it keeps crashing. Strange!

I tried to measure a different hole in the same program, and had the same issue.

What's going on?
  • Also, JEFMAN, the rotary table reads good data. If I tell it to go to 180, it goes to 180, etc. Everything's up to date and calibrated by Hexagon, and I calibrated last week thursday. I currently run other programs that check out fine. The error isn't in calibration, as far as I can see
  • In A10, why do you recall startup ?

    I don't understand this line :
    Maybe only because I don't use an Optiv (and maybe also because here it's late, and I'm not at the cmm to check rotary commands Disappointed ! )
  • Apologies.

    I recall startup for my own personal reasons.
    It lets me know it is an alignment that is not constrained within another alignment.
    Using that construction, I could recall any alignment.

    FA_PLNROT is the name of the plane I measure with a touch probe, which is what the rotary table uses to level out the holes
  • I am wondering if the problems you are seeing are due to your alignment with addition to the Rotary Table. I have NEVER had more than one rotate to a feature in an alignment. Now, I have had a rotation and then an offset rotation, but never have a rotated in YPLUS and ZPLUS. That is what leveling to a feature does for you.

    It looks like you are leveling to a cylinder. How long is that cylinder? How many hits are you taking?
  • I reiterate:

    I level YPLUS to the Cylinder about XPLUS, which is exactly the same as levelling to YPLUS. It doesn't take away from anything. The alignment is fine. I'm able to align perfectly, the construction is perfect, I can move to the exact hole location and see the hole. I can click Edit and hit Move To and move right to the feature. I can execute "Move rotab to FA_PLNROT" and it will rotate to the plane, I can offset by 180º and the rotab will move 180 and show me the exact hole location, and it is right smack dab in the middle of the circle.
    The problem is not the alignment. If I remove the rotate to yplus about xplus in the alignment, it will do nothing to the alignment, just as adding it in to the alignment will do nothing.
  • When I go to edit the feature (as in I click the feature and press F9, or Right Click and choose Edit) I am able to open up the window that shows the properties of the auto circle. When I change anything (turn focus on or off, adjust the focus by anything, adjust lighting, change location, etc) PC-DMIS crashes and gives me the error reporting window

    EDIT: Interestingly enough, I was able to adjust the program to have slightly different construction. It is now able to take points on the hole, however it doesn't continue execution. Like at all.

    It moves over the hole, it freezes, it takes its little green dots, but then it just sort of sits there as if it's having trouble sending the data or something
  • Can you start from scratch and rewrite the program? Maybe some how the program is corrupted.

    I honestly haven't played with On Error and vision. I know some machines don't function correctly with On Error. Maybe On Error doesn't function correctly with version 2013? Try contacting Hexagon to validate.
  • I'll check it out. I would imagine something similar.
    I tried removing the OnError altogether which didn't fix the issue; rewriting will be tedious, but, such is life.

    So that spawns an entirely different question. Any other way I could achieve the same thing (check for hole, if not there, do, else, etc) without OnError? I would imagine not as easily
  • Through some testing I found out that it only happens if I am using OnError to measure two holes at the same location, and using variables to assign a different variable to one or the other holes.

    The OnError section works fine, but it freezes after it takes the measurements because a variable is assigned to whichever hole got measured. Strange!