I usually run the prog in the link, to improve optical offsets from tactile.
It worked fine on a One (FB2 controller / V2014.1), it works fine on a Global (V2017R2-SP5 - B6CS controller), and it doesn't work on our new Global (V2017R2-SP5 - DC241).
I get a error : "Command argument out of limit" when I execute the line "calibrate single tip".
Is it a command which is not supported by the controller ?
Is there somewhere a parameter which is not well setted ?
After discussion with or local Hexagon contact (thx Bruno ), it seems that the function send to the controller a negative diameter (PRBPIN).
Is there any way to avoid this ?
Does it mean that others firmware allow negative diameter ?
I can say with 100% certainty that "calibrate single tip" works OK on our FDC controller(DC-800) in probing mode.
Did Bruno say that this is a vision-only problem? I'm wondering about the firmware version. I don't recall for sure, I think we're on 11.something. Not at work to check.