Running PC-DMIS 2018R2
I have a 3D CAD file (STEP) that I need to get a corner radius from. The way it's drawn, PC-DMIS wants to draw a circle in Y, along a neckdown, whereas I need a circle in Z, where the neckdown meets a land.
I am unable to "point and click" for this; it wouldn't be an issue, as I could probably math everything out, but PC-DMIS crashes every time I try to use a Vision circle (for whatever reason) but works if a create a 2D Profile, a Feature Set, and construct a circle from that.
I'm trying to make sure my nominals for the scan are correct, and PC-DMIS won't just snap to that feature.
Any suggestions?
I am able to use print dimensions for an auto circle, but not a 2D profile.
It crashes when I execute the feature; presumably due to it being a small arc...
InspectorJester Does it crash in full execution or when you do a CTRL+E? How small of an arc? Can you post a snippet of the CAD and area in question, presumably with the auto feature dialog box open so I can see the target hits?
I doubt I can post anything; a 1mb image is too big for the server, apparently...
It crashes regardless of how I run the part, CTRL+E, CTRL+U, CTRL+Q, typically when I try to measure too small of an arc on an Auto Circle feature. The arc is less than 90°, sometimes less than 45, so I'm not entirely surprised it would have trouble calculating...
I will have to post or email something later, as I have work to do outside of that program, but I will get back to you on that
Do you have access to SolidWorks or some similar software? When I need to do a Vision program for something like this (basically every part off the lathe that gets measured on the Vision system), I go into Solidworks and cut the part in half, then save half the part as a step file and import it into PC-DMIS.
Since Pcdmis 2014.1 Pcdmis has had the ability of sectioning a 3D Cad Model to create a 2D section. This was primarily introduced to help users who were measuring turned parts with 2D features but were only supplied with 3D surface models.
Cad and Graphic Setup Dialog •Open Clip Plane Dialog
•Enable Clip Plane
•Position as required
•Click Apply
•Click Create Section Cut Curves
•Disable Clip Plane
•Click OK
Open Cad Assembly Dialog •Select new level
•Click OK
•Create Auto Features as required on the 2D section cut
I will look into it. I was under the impression Clip Planes were used to make it easier to check internal features; it would make sense I could use it elsewhere as well
If I had a model with say.... .005 x 45° chamfer, well PC-DMIS did not like creating an edge much! As all have said.... best to clip/section...or do same in the native CAD software.
Speaking of which.... I haven't a prob clicking on a radius either on CAD view or Live view. (a .010 radius w/about 60° of arc)