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Inspecting a 3D part with Vision Probe

We have a Optiv 321 TP that we haven’t used in about 2 years. I took the vision course at Hex when be bought the unit. It was used in a cell to check 1 part. I used the tactile probe %100 because I couldn't get the vision probe to work. The part was a shiny cylinder on its side and I just couldn't get any good measurements. I’m determined the get it checking something. I’ve only been successful with using bottom light and the tp20 for measurements. No probe rack or rot table. I can only check a less than half the part which isn’t real useful.

I attached a drawing the circled the dimensions that I want to check. Can this be down with just the vision probe? I currently have the part with the wide base laying flat on the glass so I can see the large ID in the center of the part. It has a tight tolerance so I need to check and I have not tried to check the part on its side.

Please let me know what ya'll think.

Attached Files
  • 1. The Performance 443 Dual Z IS versatile!
    2. The Ring light can make magic, but I certainly agree with you. For me? The Top light is only good to put my finger under the camera to judge my last manicure. Rolling eyes
    3. In XY, I did put it to silly tolerances just because my company doesn't want to pay a cal company to cert Ring Gages. ($35-40 a pop. Seems reasonable price to check our air gages.)
    They calibrated a .80000 Master XXX Ring ± .00001. OK. As you mention.... it takes some tweaking, but I matched the cert and repeated KINDA.
    Actually. I used opposite points X and Y. The Leitz probe is pretty good.
    The Mycrona...uh Falcon...uh...Hexagon (who evers) Optic device is nice (ours a 3.1 X zoom) but Demon Vision software needs a more critical Illumination Cal utility. The measurement can be made happy dance by many tenths depending on the light. Pixel exercise with Glass artifact and illumination with white paper. I'm not left feeling comfortable.
    Just my experience.
    But Anthony? Thx for a great informative post!

    p.s. I asked Boss if I could put the ring on our (pick one of our multiple) Zeiss Contura.... to compare. He didn't want to open a barrel of serpents! Sunglasses
  • the top light is good if it's calibrated properly, but as you say, the light calibration could probably use some improvement. How? I'm not so sure, maybe the current calibration is as good as it gets...?

    To be frank, you probably WOULD see a lot of difference in the gages between the Zeiss and hex machines but you have to take into account the sensor calibrations, measurement methods, measurement calculations, scan forces (if scanned), etc. Simply throwing it on there and expecting it to be exactly the same wouldn't be wise. BUT, i agree. I wouldn't want to go down that path either.