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I downloaded and ran the .exe which updated fine. But this hasn't solved the error unfortunately, but thank you for the link regardless.
I'm wondering if its worth doing a fresh install of PCDMIS as a whole? Drivers as well. We don't have any programs of use at the moment so there is not much for us to lose by doing it, but I haven't actually done that before with the software. I'm not familiar how the activation works whether it be by a normal type in key or via a key installed onto the PC, is there a way to do this via downloading the correct version from the website?
I downloaded and ran the .exe which updated fine. But this hasn't solved the error unfortunately, but thank you for the link regardless.
I'm wondering if its worth doing a fresh install of PCDMIS as a whole? Drivers as well. We don't have any programs of use at the moment so there is not much for us to lose by doing it, but I haven't actually done that before with the software. I'm not familiar how the activation works whether it be by a normal type in key or via a key installed onto the PC, is there a way to do this via downloading the correct version from the website?
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