I'm still new to working with Tactile probes on a vision system, this is not the first time I have ran an cross sensor calibration but for some reason this time it just simply will not fallow through.
I can't get ANY tactile probes to measure my ring gage during an cross sensor offset calibration.
It will run through the camera offset calibration just fine then once moving onto the TTP the machine prompts me to take an ID point @ 6 o'clock.
I take the 6 o'clock ID point and the probe then moves to about 2 o'clock takes an ID point then goes to 12 o'clock but instead of slowing down and taking a point it just crashes right in the Ring Gage.
Anyone have any idea's what might be going on? TIA
This helped a lot, thank you, silly mistake on my part.
However now it's giving me an error after trying to create the plan on top of ring gage. After it does this it gives me an absolute move prompt. The coordinates given are out of reach, it even gives an error message "out of travel". When choosing to skip this it then prompts me to take 9 hits with TTP at various coordinates that are no where near the ring gage.
Regardless of that I have taken 9 points all around the ID of ring gage, and it then prompts me to take 2 more points in the ID.
This is kind of where I have stopped. I have never ran into this, not even during my vision101 training. I'm wondering do I just continue and it will eventually calibrate?
Yes I can, and do when doing any calibration. I just re-ran the whole cross sensor calibration, realized I had a few setting not set properly and was able to successfully run through calibration with two diff. probes.
My new question (those seem to pop up a lot) is how to interpret the calibration results. I am sure they are good and fine, as it did not prompt me to re-calibrate. Will create another post within this to share results.
Was able to successfully run through 2 cross sensor calibrations with 2 diff. probes I built. Here are the results, I am questioning the note about probe dia. size. it says its .7874 which is the act. size of the ID ring gage. I am sure I am just not interpreting it correctly so thought I'd share it here.
Sorry for the image, I do not have access to the intent on that machine I have to use a diff. company computer to post this.
I'm not sure to understand exactly...
You're trying to calibrate a star probe into the ring ?
Could you post the probe components that you use, the ring diameter .
At the moment no, I'm not using a star probe. However, I do plan to build and calibrate a star probe after I sort current issues out.
I'm using a 10mmx4mm probe (1st pictured results probe file = PROBE) and then 10mm extension x 20mmx1mm probe (2nd pictured results probe file = 20x20x1_Prob)
ring gage size is 20mm (.7874 inch)