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Measuring Ring Gage Tactile 2018 R2

I'm still new to working with Tactile probes on a vision system, this is not the first time I have ran an cross sensor calibration but for some reason this time it just simply will not fallow through.

I can't get ANY tactile probes to measure my ring gage during an cross sensor offset calibration.

It will run through the camera offset calibration just fine then once moving onto the TTP the machine prompts me to take an ID point @ 6 o'clock.

I take the 6 o'clock ID point and the probe then moves to about 2 o'clock takes an ID point then goes to 12 o'clock but instead of slowing down and taking a point it just crashes right in the Ring Gage.

Anyone have any idea's what might be going on? TIA
  • You need to calibrate the probe on the sphere first. Then do the cross probe.
  • I thought it was optical first on Optiv... (but I don't know really, I don't have this kind of cmm... !)
  • No what I mean is you need to calibrate the probe on the reference sphere first.

    Then do the cross probe on the ring, Optics first, then the probe.

    i.e. you need to use a calibrated tip for the cross probe.
  • Yes, I calibrated TTP on sphere 1st. Then I move to the ring gage to do a cross sensor calibration, Optics first then probe and above were the results.
  • I have an option to reset tips, its not a check box. But no, I did not reset tips yesterday.

    Today I did, I reset my 20x20x1 TTP and re-ran calibration on the sphere then moved to the ring gage, calibrating the optics first then TTP. I can post results but they are the same. The tip offset numbers is the relation between the TTP and Camera I believe?
  • Measure Vision with Ring - Has Ring moved = YES
    Measure Probe 1 with Ring - Has Ring moved = NO
    Measure Probe 1 with Sphere - Has Sphere Moved = YES
    Measure Probe 2 with Sphere - Has Sphere Moved = NO
    Measure Probe 3 with Sphere - Has Sphere Moved = NO


    Was the camera to tip offset setup correctly? Camera should be 0,0 in XY and the probes should have an offset in XY.
  • Yes I fallowed this.
    I will post my updated Calibration results.

    My original issue when creating this post was solved, (probe crashing into ring gage) I had forgotten to increase my PreHit/Retract values.

    The second issue I had was understanding the calibration results. In an above post I showed calibration results and marked with red stars a note I did not understand.
    I also did not understand what the Probe offset was (I do now and realize its just the probe offset from the cameras center. I didn't remember that part of my training.)

    The now problem I am having Is after an manual alignment and going into DDC mode the program prompts me to make an "absolute move" then says Move is out of reach (it is.). After skipping that prompt it goes to probe the 1st PLN but does not go to the proper locations to probe. This I am sure is a programing error on my part. So now I am trying to figure what step I'm missing. However still not confident my calibration is correct.

  • My original issue when creating this post was solved, (probe crashing into ring gage) I had forgotten to increase my PreHit/Retract values.

    The second issue I had was understanding the calibration results. In an above post I showed calibration results and marked with red stars a note I did not understand.
    I also did not understand what the Probe offset was (I do now and realize its just the probe offset from the cameras center. I didn't remember that part of my training.)

    The now problem I am having Is after an manual alignment and going into DDC mode the program prompts me to make an "absolute move" then says Move is out of reach (it is.). After skipping that prompt it goes to probe the 1st PLN but does not go to the proper locations to probe. This I am sure is a programing error on my part. So now I am trying to figure what step I'm missing.

    I'm still not confident my calibration is correct. Here are my most current and up to date results. Sorry for photo quality.

    This is the Probe and Sphere Calibration which look good to me.....

    Next is the Vision and Ring Gage

    Here is the Cross Sensor Offset or Probe and Ring gage.....