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Do away with manual alignments - use Readpoint

Hi Everyone
I am fairly new to PCDMIS being a Mitutoyo programmer for the last 10 years (Booo). The training I had on PCDMIS was reliant on a MANUAL setup before going into DCC mode. By going straight into DCC mode position your probe over its start point. Then you can insert a READ POINT. Then put the XYZ origin on the READ POINT and hey presto your probe has a X0, Y0 and Z0 starting point. You can now do a rough setup by getting the CMM mode to search for your part elements.
This can still then be skipped if not required for further parts. Why go to the lengths of manual probing when the CMM will do it for you?

I am enjoying the new challenge of PCDMIS and can see that it is deep and dark. By using code instead of set routines like the Mitutoyo I realise it can be a lot more flexible. Now if I only knew all the codeing tricks?
Please look out for my questions appearing.

  • I hear a lot of conflicting ideas on how one should go about using read points, which leads to much confusion on which technique is correct. We use read points at my place of work and always used with CAD, and of course the read point, manual alignment or all in DCC mode. But, can anyone of you PC Dmis Gurus tell me with any degree of accuracy if read points are possible without the use of CAD and if so how would someone go about doing such?

    Sometimes we get old parts with no CAD and a program has to be made and I feel that read point alignment could be very effective if it is possible. I only know if the use of such with CAD but desire to use it without CAD. So, if anyone out there could please give me some DEFINITIVE answer. I do not mean to come across so skeptical but it seems that every CMM person I have asked on different sites cannot agree on the "One best way" to use the read point without CAD. Mostly what I prefer is to G+CTL to set a readpoint then 0 out X, Y, and Z as origin (in CAD), usually inside a circle with find center on. Then I do create a plan using Auto Plane (radial), and a small line in X or Y to rotate to.....then the DCC Alignment to the CAD models FCF & Datum call-outs... So to be a little more definitive myself... can I do read points as explained above and if so would I create the read point prior to going into DCC mode or in DCC mode, which means my manual alignment would also be in DCC mode......Any info would be helpful and appreciated...

  • I hear a lot of conflicting ideas on how one should go about using read points, which leads to much confusion on which technique is correct. We use read points at my place of work and always used with CAD, and of course the read point, manual alignment or all in DCC mode. But, can anyone of you PC Dmis Gurus tell me with any degree of accuracy if read points are possible without the use of CAD and if so how would someone go about doing such?

    Sometimes we get old parts with no CAD and a program has to be made and I feel that read point alignment could be very effective if it is possible. I only know if the use of such with CAD but desire to use it without CAD. So, if anyone out there could please give me some DEFINITIVE answer. I do not mean to come across so skeptical but it seems that every CMM person I have asked on different sites cannot agree on the "One best way" to use the read point without CAD. Mostly what I prefer is to G+CTL to set a readpoint then 0 out X, Y, and Z as origin (in CAD), usually inside a circle with find center on. Then I do create a plan using Auto Plane (radial), and a small line in X or Y to rotate to.....then the DCC Alignment to the CAD models FCF & Datum call-outs... So to be a little more definitive myself... can I do read points as explained above and if so would I create the read point prior to going into DCC mode or in DCC mode, which means my manual alignment would also be in DCC mode......Any info would be helpful and appreciated...

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