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Do away with manual alignments - use Readpoint

Hi Everyone
I am fairly new to PCDMIS being a Mitutoyo programmer for the last 10 years (Booo). The training I had on PCDMIS was reliant on a MANUAL setup before going into DCC mode. By going straight into DCC mode position your probe over its start point. Then you can insert a READ POINT. Then put the XYZ origin on the READ POINT and hey presto your probe has a X0, Y0 and Z0 starting point. You can now do a rough setup by getting the CMM mode to search for your part elements.
This can still then be skipped if not required for further parts. Why go to the lengths of manual probing when the CMM will do it for you?

I am enjoying the new challenge of PCDMIS and can see that it is deep and dark. By using code instead of set routines like the Mitutoyo I realise it can be a lot more flexible. Now if I only knew all the codeing tricks?
Please look out for my questions appearing.

  • That does sound like it would work out real nice. Is there any manual points taken to accomplish this kind of alignment? I would like to eliminate all manual hits from having to be taken. This way there is no error from just taken the hits where ever felt like, which seems to be what happens sometimes.

    There are no manual alignments. ..your readpoint is your manual alignment. ...however, keep in mind along with the readpoint you have to make features to level to and to control your last few translations and rotations. ..example: if I have a hole near a corner....I will typically use the hole as my starting point...then make a small plane around the hole to level...and a small line (preferably in Xplus direction) then do this [hole, align xy..] [Plane , align Zplus level, Z origin] [Line, rotate to ♧
    xplus]....then create my dcc align according to the print...keep in mind...your manual alignment is also in dcc mode....so all you are going to do is place your probe in the hole and hit ok or start. ..pc dmis does the rest. ...takes idiot out of cmm operating. ...there is a little bit more to it but there is more on this string further back. ..it goes into more detail. ...like prior to going into dcc mode...you hit "control +G " this creates your readpoint. ..then you clean up your theos...leaving your actual as is...make theos.... <0,0,0>...then create an alignment XYZ origin then ok....then if you are like me and want to assure your readpoint alignment will work you create another readpoint prior to going into dcc mode.. call it "start" ...make another alignment...XYZ...then dcc...
    Finally...actually should have been mentioned first....it helps if you transform your model to match how the part will sit on the CMM..then transform your trihedron into the hole you intend to use. ..this helps greatly when using the readpoint alignment. ...

    "I'M NOT OCD, I'M CDO!" Wink
  • That does sound like it would work out real nice. Is there any manual points taken to accomplish this kind of alignment? I would like to eliminate all manual hits from having to be taken. This way there is no error from just taken the hits where ever felt like, which seems to be what happens sometimes.

    There are no manual alignments. ..your readpoint is your manual alignment. ...however, keep in mind along with the readpoint you have to make features to level to and to control your last few translations and rotations. ..example: if I have a hole near a corner....I will typically use the hole as my starting point...then make a small plane around the hole to level...and a small line (preferably in Xplus direction) then do this [hole, align xy..] [Plane , align Zplus level, Z origin] [Line, rotate to ♧
    xplus]....then create my dcc align according to the print...keep in mind...your manual alignment is also in dcc mode....so all you are going to do is place your probe in the hole and hit ok or start. ..pc dmis does the rest. ...takes idiot out of cmm operating. ...there is a little bit more to it but there is more on this string further back. ..it goes into more detail. ...like prior to going into dcc mode...you hit "control +G " this creates your readpoint. ..then you clean up your theos...leaving your actual as is...make theos.... <0,0,0>...then create an alignment XYZ origin then ok....then if you are like me and want to assure your readpoint alignment will work you create another readpoint prior to going into dcc mode.. call it "start" ...make another alignment...XYZ...then dcc...
    Finally...actually should have been mentioned first....it helps if you transform your model to match how the part will sit on the CMM..then transform your trihedron into the hole you intend to use. ..this helps greatly when using the readpoint alignment. ...

    "I'M NOT OCD, I'M CDO!" Wink
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