Can you scan a 3d curve with pc dmis ? 2d linear open or close doesnt follow the cad and i need it to lol...any help would be greatly apreciated
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Can you scan a 3d curve with pc dmis ? 2d linear open or close doesnt follow the cad and i need it to lol...any help would be greatly apreciated
Its like the rim of a top hat... looking at it in the y mius workplane.... its all curvature. Used could do this with a 3d curve with Zeiss and then adjust the whole curves Z value... i need a closed scan that will follow the curve..
thanks for the help
What Ninjabadger suggested above will do, a perimeter scan, then if it isn't centered enough or positioned where you want, adjust your offset from the generated points
What Ninjabadger suggested above will do, a perimeter scan, then if it isn't centered enough or positioned where you want, adjust your offset from the generated points
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