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I love to cook. I am not really good at it, but I love to do it. And I am getting better. At least my wife says so... (I know, leave me in ignorant bliss, ok?)

I also like to watch some cooking shows. To get inspiration. When you watch enough of these shows on YouTube, its algorithm will serve you videos of Gordon Ramsy swearing at people for sucking at cooking. And it is hilarious.

But honestly, it is funny only because it is part of the show. In real life, I would not be so amused, to put it lightly. Imagine your boss, or your customer would be that harsh on you for doing a mistake. We all do mistakes. Talk about it and move forward. Remember that next time you are yelling at your colleague or supplier for process mistake. It is not cool to be harsh on them.



For the love of god, can you please stop using value mask in procella?!! This drives me crazy. It is not designed for procella. You are hurting yourself. Stop it. Get some help.