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NOPE, generic features are just like constructed features, more or less, they just exist.
One thing about them, though, depending on HOW you make them, they may not always update when re-aligned. IF you enter just plain old numbers for the 'measured' values, they will sometimes 'stick' to the old alignment position. Using the variables does not appear to do this. NOMINALS values, those can be just typed in values, they work just fine, it is the measured values the sometimes stick and I think this is only in V3.7
NOPE, generic features are just like constructed features, more or less, they just exist.
One thing about them, though, depending on HOW you make them, they may not always update when re-aligned. IF you enter just plain old numbers for the 'measured' values, they will sometimes 'stick' to the old alignment position. Using the variables does not appear to do this. NOMINALS values, those can be just typed in values, they work just fine, it is the measured values the sometimes stick and I think this is only in V3.7
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