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I'm very new to PCDMIS and DATA PAGE. How do you even get your Data from your Parts to Data page? I'm using the PCD2Excel Wizard after each part and that gives me the data in spread sheet form but I have no clue how to get the info to Datapage? Where should I start?
Uhhh, lets start over.
You must create a database, do this in datapage editor. This is the database all your data will go. This is also the database you will open in datapage to see and output your data, any way you want.
As far as the command in pc-dmis, I have no idea what this guy is talking about, its simple, in ALL versions. Go to insert stats command in the menu, select the database you created, this will point Pc-dmis where to put the data after each part run, it should look like this :
I am not sure what the heck this guy is talking about, if you don't know, please don't make a simple issue complicated.
I think that code is what goes at the beginning of a program to delete the XSTATS11.TMP file when you execute the program.
I'm glad you posted this tinabeth, I too am just getting in to datapage and need the info.
Other than that, I cant believe the way you guys (sometimes) talk to each other around here.
Yes it does go in the beginning of the completely eliminated all of the "infamous" database errors.. file corruption..locking issues etc...
I was not trying to make it difficult..sorry you misinterpreted is as "not knowing what i was talking about, Mr. JJewell"
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