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OK I understand how to Delete a part or complete set of parts from DataPage.
How would I change the database a set of parts are in to another newly created database.
What I want to do is this-
When I started saving to datapage, I just put in the regular datapage code I always use. I now have created seperate databases (folders inside datapage) for each set of parts. I have op1, op2, op3, ect folders now. I want to take the info from the main database and put it in the appropriet folders.
Any thought on how this is done?
OK I understand how to Delete a part or complete set of parts from DataPage.
How would I change the database a set of parts are in to another newly created database.
What I want to do is this-
When I started saving to datapage, I just put in the regular datapage code I always use. I now have created seperate databases (folders inside datapage) for each set of parts. I have op1, op2, op3, ect folders now. I want to take the info from the main database and put it in the appropriet folders.
Any thought on how this is done?
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