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Running the same program/parts on various CMMs (not at the same time) and on one CMM I have no issues, but the other two that run this job give me a "DataBase Error" message but will update the stats after OK'ing the error. Same program, same stat file, and the database is on the network and all CMMs have read/write access to all files in the folder.
I tried deleting and creating a new database file on another CMM/PC and it still gives me the error on just the two CMMs that were doing it before.
Any ideas?
Running the same program/parts on various CMMs (not at the same time) and on one CMM I have no issues, but the other two that run this job give me a "DataBase Error" message but will update the stats after OK'ing the error. Same program, same stat file, and the database is on the network and all CMMs have read/write access to all files in the folder.
I tried deleting and creating a new database file on another CMM/PC and it still gives me the error on just the two CMMs that were doing it before.
Any ideas?
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