Just got done with the training and I am looking into creating a new template which has the option of bringing in your own picture for a logo. That is my workaround at the moment.
So, I played around with it a little further. Didn't finish as I need to move on to other things at the moment. But there is a separate program called "TemplateBuilder" in the datapage folder from the start menu. Open that and then open file. Look into the Datapage folder under Programs. Inside the folder is one labeled "TemplateRpts". Inside there are all the different reports used by Datapage. Once you figure out how to change the pic, it becomes easy but needs to be done for all the templates. Let me know if anyone needs help. But glad I figured out that much.
Not sure. I didn't find any. I barely used the old datapage. Took the training, will forward the question to my instructor. But it appears as that is not the case anymore.
There were only 7 reports in my file and my instructor emailed me back and said to just change each one with the template builder. Sucks, but once it's done it's done.
I still haven't changed mine, which is due to my workload as I want to change other fields also. But last I knew it still needed to be done in the template editor. Once new templates are created, there is a spot to make them the default. Not sure where at the moment, but I believe this is the case. I will work a few in the next week and keep ya posted.