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Statistics Report PDF. Storage Count and Resetting?

I have read through alot of the dmis "Help Files" and have searched for quite awhile on the forum for this question and have not found it yet. I believe Mr. Hoademan explained this at one time, but It's been awhile and I can't seem to find the posting which pertains to my question. At the end of all my programs , I have the VB code which produces a "Yes or No" question prompt asking the operator if he or she would like to print a report or not. They "Click" yes or no depending their needs. However, a PDF. file of the report is stored in my computer for auditing purposes and so forth. My questions is: when the databse reaches 999, it will not produce stored copies of the reports anymor. It seems to just overwrite the last file. How do you "Reset" the storage memory back to zero, so it can start all over again. I do not understand why wilcox set this limit to 999, but its a real pain. The only way I have found (which I know is not really the correct way) is the place a dash or space in the "Part Name" , change the stats count to 1 and go to the bottom whee the VB command is and change those values to "0". This works, but its not the correct way.
If someone could explain how to do this correctly, I would really appreciate it. As always, I appreciate the help.
  • Matt.................Where are you. I know you know this answer.
  • When you do your automatic filesave, specify the filename in a string with the current date and time. Clearly you don't care about ease of lookup, with pdf's numbered 1-999. Otherwise, you could even add in part number, job number, operation number, etc, into the string and save the PDF file as that string.

    This seems a lot more intuitive than save the file with a counter and f*** with things to reset it.
  • Chally, that is an incorrect statement. The file name is what we look up in datapage and the stored PDF files for auditing purposes. When I look up a report that has been stored as a PDF file, it makes it easy for my AS9100 auditor to see the actual report.. I know that Datapage saves the value results, but the PDF's that I save are limited to 999. Yea, I can always see the date and time of the cmm run and values in datapage, no matter if the stats counter has changed to (1) again. What I am asking is how to reset the "999" counter (PDF) back to 1 to start all over again. It does not matter what the count number is. If my operator has exceeded 999 on the PDF file storage, the date and time will still show up in the datapage directory. I realize this. We have the stat #, the operator name, the operation, the side of the tombstone it was run on, operator name, job #, pallet #, serial #, and specific coded authenticity # to everything we run. All this is in datapage and stored as a PDF in the server. I just want to know what it takes to "Reset" the PDF counter back to #1 when the PDF files are approaching 999. I am sure it's not a big deal. I just am not for sure how to change it. For instance: If : Lever#1.001PDF reaches "Lever#1999PDF, it will overwrite the last cmm run of "Lever#1999PDF. I monitor all the runs and their counts. When they get close to 999, I need to "Reset" the PDF file counter. Does this make sense?? I think you know where I am going now. Thanks again ..........as always.
  • Hi

    I think I have the answer to your problem go into file, printing, report windows printing setup.
    In there you will see the index. Change it to 1
  • I have never used datapage, so I didn't realize that the auto-counter is the only way to maintain the link. Is that a correct statement?
  • Chally and Erik.
    1) Chally, I was not trying to imply that you were wrong or trying to be disrespectful by any means. I am a very easy going person to deal with. I was just trying to indicate what I am tring to do and what I do for traceability. Datapage "Does" store all the records that any auditor would what to see, and then some. I was merely trying to get an answer on how to reset the PDF. file counter , which stores the actual reports. No harm or offense my friend. I always appreciate all and any help to make things easier for me and anyone who may read this post, who might be asking the same question. I have and will never be disrespectful to anyone on this forum. There are too many people on this forum which have helped me from my days of learning how to just do an alignment to the more sophisticated knowledge I now have from thier help. So, please do not take any offense, as there was none taken or issued.
    2) Erik: I will try your suggestion tomorrow. I was shown this once before, but I'll be darned if I can remember it or find it in my files I have printed from all my requests through the forum.

    Thanks to all that are helping. I appreciate the responses. I have worked the last 102 days straight for the facility without missing a day this year, so its time to take a vacation until the new year (Burned out). I will be in the shop tomorrow and try to see if this method is the answer to my original question.
    Thanks again all. Please have a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.
  • No offense taken. I despise the "automated" save options PC-DMIS comes with.