I installed DP+ when we got a new 64-bit computer. When I try to import data from PC-DMIS (2010mr3) i get null values instead of actuals.
Has anyone else come across this? If so, how did you fix.
I am having the same issue. Installed PC-DMIS 2011 with Datapage+ 2011 using SQL 2005 Express on Windows 7. STATS ON command is written into my program. Datapage+ loads in the part, the features, nominal values, +- tolerances, transaction dates & times.. however ALL measured values are recorded as "Null". At a complete loss to why this is and why it will not work.
I had this on my first program after install and before I learned how to send stats correctly. After adding EXTERNALCOMMAND/NO_DISPLAY,NO_WAIT : path to DATAPAGESTATS.EXE This fixed the problem however the null statmnets were still in the runs where I tried to use the old stats command, but all new runs were ok.
Make sure you delete the old stats statement and add new command and try to run program again.
I'm running PC-DMIS 2011 and DataPage+ 2011 using SQL Express 2005 on Windows 7. I tried using both the STATS/ON command at the beginning of the program and the EXTERNALCOMMAND at the end of the program suggested in this topic. Neither one outputs the measured values into DataPage. I noticed that if you look at the database within PC-DMIS (View/Edit Database in Statistics Options) there are no Dimension Values being recorded for the part program. Even though all the dimensions are shown.
Per the training, STATSON is not the preferable method for moving data to DP+. Use an external command as stated above. A little more work, but was told it more reliable. Also, there is an additional program called Data Importer that needs to run. This little dingy will perform the data transfer to DP+ by writing a "XML" file. I'm running W7 so the data is burried in a user hidden files. But attached is the recommended settings. Notice the setting for renaming. This allows you to be able to determine which files have not been uploaded into datapage. A file will have an extra extension if transferred correctly (i.e. PCDMISStats1-23-2012 12-55-14 PM.XML.$$$) The extra extension can be removed to reimport the data.
Sorry about hijacking, just wanted to share the training knowledge for the data handling. I did have null issues after installing, but don't remember what the issue was. Haven't had this issue since.