Make sure there is a
dpupdate.exe in the
C:\ProgramData\WAI\PC-DMIS\2011 MR1 folder. Note that the
C:\ProgramData folder is normally hidden by Windows 7, you need to turn on "Show hidden files, folders and units" (may be a bit different, I have translated the Swedish text I see in my Explorer) to see that folder in Windows Explorer.
Permissions issue? Logged on as Admin? If you double click on DPUPDATE.EXE what happens?
Are you using DataPage or using some other 3rd party to update?
I am getting the attached error now and am running PCDMISCAD++ 2011 MR1. I am so confused....
THAT error means that there are NO database files in the target location. Now, if you've tried to send data to a non-existant database, Pcdmis will NOT clear out the XSTATS11.TMP file, the data it could not send will stay in the file allowing you a chance to edit the file, correct the path for the database, then use the update program to get the data into Datapage. Simply delete XSTATS11.TMP and try sending the data again. If you get the same error, then the database path in the program is to a non-existant database.