Hello. Could someone explain how to get the cad picture to display. It says can be displayed with a right mouse click option. We import the cad as .stp Just been trying to change some of the orange images.
Running datapage+ and on the main view it has all these orange gears for images, you can right click on it and browse for a image of part and replace it with that. Help file says supports image types .jpg .bmp .png and .gif we imprort with a stp file and I guess don't know how to change the extension. I don't like to monkey around in there to much.
Was looking at that all wrong. Thought it said when you add a part to the database the model will be image for thumbnail. I used snip it and Snagit to get screen captures that I liked and saved it as a jpg or bmt this loaded fine, used pictures of setup on machine looked nice cad view from graphic also, Now where is that orange gear if want to switch it back?