My company has pcdmis but it needs the software for SPC. What is the principle of datapage +? whether it is necessary to transfer the measurement results to Excel and datapage + takes them from Excel format? What are the advantages and PC DMIS datapage + and disadvantages? I should mention that I'm a total beginner. Thank you.
The original advantages to Datapage were that it worked seamlessly with Pcdmis, direct from Pcdmis to Datapage, then with the advent of Datapage+, instead of using the built-in code in Pcdmis (STATS/ON) you now have to finagle it with external commands to get the data into Datapage. No Excel is needed.
The original advantages to Datapage were that it worked seamlessly with Pcdmis, direct from Pcdmis to Datapage, then with the advent of Datapage+, instead of using the built-in code in Pcdmis (STATS/ON) you now have to finagle it with external commands to get the data into Datapage. No Excel is needed.