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Datapage+ and Part SIDs Changing


We currently run PC-DMIS 2012, along w/ DataPage+ 2011 in order to store results into a SQL database. Everything has been going fine for months now, however a problem began happening approx. 1 month ago. Somehow, the results will intermittently create new part profiles in DataPage instead of writing the results to the existing SID part profiles in DataPage. At first, I though the CMM operators may have somehow been deleting the existing part profiles out of DataPage, causing the next measurements to create the new profiles, however this is not the case. If DataPage is doing this on it's own, I need to figure out how to get it to stop.

We have custom queries written on the SQL server which manually pull the data we need from the DataPage database, and generate custom reports per our Customer's requirements. The queries are written so that they mainly filter by the parts' SID numbers in the database, however, as soon as DataPage decides to take it upon itself to create new part profiles, the SIDs change, and the queries have to constantly be updated in order to capture all the data? The PCDMIS programs are not changing whatsoever, so I can't see what else would trigger DataPage to do this. Like I said, everything was running perfect for months, and all of the sudden this problem is coming up on a weekly basis.

Any ideas?
