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OK, that helps me understand how DP processes the data and the problems and I can understand why you would need to delete the as a matter of course when using datapage.
Then my advice earlier only applies to non-datapage data consumers. Jan_d said that he was going to use this with his Infinity and he may want to reconconsider untill he determines exactly how Infinity handles the data.
So, I guess bottom line, if your SPC program(including Datapage) uses xstats11 file in a non-accumulating way then using the delete method is a useful workaround.
Yes I force an update after every inspection routine. I'd hate the thought of loosing 30+ pieces like you said. Not updating after each routine is like Russian Roulette. You might be fine but I am certainly not going to take a chance on it. I update it without the message box that asks if it is ok to update, again this goes back to my attitude of having the operator do it. My situation is not the same as yours. Here the CMMs are on the shop floor and the machinists load their parts and run them.
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