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Getting StatsCount to show up in datapage+

I have tried several solutions I have found in the forums for retrieving the stats count with no luck so far. Is there something simple I am missing here. Why didn't they just make StatsCount one of the general expressions like PartName?
  • Isn't the StatsCount a general expression in the template builder?

    If not, you could assign a variable in PCDMIS that grabs the StatsCount(?) and makes it available in DataPage as a tracefield?
  • They use transactioncount in datapage+ which always returns 1 for some reason. Every attempt I've made to assign the statscount to another variable which I can use has not worked. And I cannot edit the expressions in datapage, I can only try and use tracefields which I crate in pcdmis.
  • This is the code I am attempting to use:


    but I don't know how to get whatever is stored in STAT to datapage+, everything I try doesn't seem to work.
  • Someone must have a solution for this, I find it hard to believe I am the only one who needs statscount.
  • Maybe this will help.


    There are probably other threads with helpful info as well. Just do a forum search for "statscount".
  • I have read that, and others. My problems is passing that variable to datapage...nothing I've tried seems to work. I did an update to datapage yesterday and now nothing is going to datapage so I am just waiting on a call from Hexagon, hopefully I can work out both problems.
  • You have StatsCount assigned to a variable in PC-DMIS? If so, then just use the variable expressions in DataPage. I have a completely custom header that uses variables assigned in PC-DMIS.

    I think I see what you are asking now. In the template builder use: =GetTraceValue(,) from "Expressions" button, under Feature Relative drop down.

    For TraceValue, the first number is the transaction to draw from, and the 2nd value is which number tracefield it is.
  • So I managed to fix the problem of datapage not receiving data by updating sql to service pack 3, still need to fix the StatsCount problem.

    GetTraceValue is not the solution either, basically what I need is if I were to do a 40 piece capability study, I need the StatsCount from 1 to 40 from PCDMIS, not the transaction number in which they were brought in to datapage but the actual count from PCDMIS.

    I've tried assigning a variable as above but that variable is not showing up in Datapage, I'll keep tinkering as I wait for Hexagon, I'm sure its something simple. I just don't understand why it was never included in general expressions...like =PartName they could have =StatsCount. Seems silly to me.

    EDIT: I tried using the following...
    then in datapage using GetTraceValue(1,V1) but no luck!
  • So I managed to fix the problem of datapage not receiving data by updating sql to service pack 3, still need to fix the StatsCount problem.

    GetTraceValue is not the solution either, basically what I need is if I were to do a 40 piece capability study, I need the StatsCount from 1 to 40 from PCDMIS, not the transaction number in which they were brought in to datapage but the actual count from PCDMIS.

    I've tried assigning a variable as above but that variable is not showing up in Datapage, I'll keep tinkering as I wait for Hexagon, I'm sure its something simple. I just don't understand why it was never included in general expressions...like =PartName they could have =StatsCount. Seems silly to me.

    EDIT: I tried using the following...
    then in datapage using GetTraceValue(1,V1) but no luck!

    The second number should be the order in which it appears in the "Tracefields" column of the Data Editor tab. IE 1, 2, 3 etc.

    Also, your variable is called "STAT" not "V1", so V1 wouldn't work either way.
  • Sorry, I used V1 in my program...I had just copied that line from above. Regardless, when I look at tracefields in the editor V1 does not show up.
  • Is there a way I can confirm in PCDMIS that V1 is actually being created?

    Thank you for your time, much appreciated!
  • Sorry, I used V1 in my program...I had just copied that line from above. Regardless, when I look at tracefields in the editor V1 does not show up.

    Ok, it looks like I have a step that you don't. I don't know how/if it will help you, but this is what seems to be happening, which is backwards from what I would think would happen.

    I have Operator/Input comments, and then variables that grab the comment input, ie ASSIGN/V1=C1.INPUT. It appears that my trace fields may be filling in from there. I have no idea if you can somehow put the StatsCount into a comment, but if you can, try that. That is, unfortunately, the last thing I can think of.

    I just tested it, and yes, it is linked to comments. If I remove the comments, the variables alone do nothing. I hope this helps you find the solution, as I am not sure how you can proceed from here.
  • I'll give it a try when I get a chance in a bit, Thank you!
  • I'll give it a try when I get a chance in a bit, Thank you!

    If worse comes to worst, you could always just use an Operator/Input comment and type in the numbers as you go, too.
  • Yeah, I just figured the point of new software is that its supposed to be improving on the previous and creating less work not more...lol Foolish of me to think that I guess.