Does anyone know why PCDMIS would report a value as Inboard, but when I create my report in datapage it says Outboard? I'll post a pic when I get a minute, one of my engineers just noticed this. Very frustrating!!!
The measured value of Y is "more positive then your nominal". The T value shows less material then the models nominal or minus from where the point was to be taken. Both the Y value and the T value state that the surface did not have enough material on it. I think the report is showing the T value.
It's the same for Y, and T. Regardless, I think it should come out the same as PCDMIS. A point can't be inboard and outboard to the same coordinate system??? This is a LH part (Y-), I do not have this issue on my RH parts (Y+).
I think you missed what I was saying... The Y nominal is a negative value. The measured value is a lesser negative " or in a positive direction. The T value works off of vectors of the surface you measure. The + vector for the T is always away from the part.
I guess what I am getting at is that pcdmis is using automotive deviation - referencing car position, but datapage is not. Maybe I am missing something simple but this seems logical to me that the point is inboard from nominal relative to the 0,0,0 point. So how do I make this the same in datapage.
I submitted a ticket with hexagon to try and work it out.
UPDATE: Just spoke with Hexagon and they agree this is a software bug and have put in a request to have this resolved in the next update.
This is for Datapage+ 5.0 Build 331 so for anyone using auto deviation on their reports be aware of this issue when creating report for LH (Y-) parts.
You need to look at the T value in both examples. They both say the same thing (inbound value). If you then look at the -y value it is shorter than the nominal (inbound). The measured value -749.265 is closer to the origin than the nominal value of -750.348. The data is presented correctly.
I understand numerically they are correct, it is the 'I' and 'O' which is the problem. T-value in first pic is 'I', T-Value is second pic is 'O'. If you read the numbers you can make sense of it but the people I am providing the reports to to make adjustments on the floor really just want to see if it is inboard or outboard and how much. I apologize if I am missing something here, but Hexagon agreed there is a problem with the software.
I am also having an issue with Left hand parts not reporting as PCDMIS is. My issue is the I/B-O/B callout IS correct. The issue is the deviation is showing a (-) sign and the color highlight is an I/B color. The reading id O/B. More negative. We use light blue for I/B and red for O/B.
Again, the callout is correct but the (-)(+) are not and the color coded label is not.
I have turned on and off positive reporting in PCDMIS and also checked and unchecked the mirror Y in Datapage.
I guess my biggest issues is how do I get the color to change?