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Those values, at least modified via DataPage, do not affect the TP tolerance that is calculated.
Any (legacy) TP dimension you send from PC-DMIS to DataPage (I use the DataImporter with XML) that has MMC selected. Then in DataPage Tools>Options, select the "Include Bonus Tolerance" option. If you have Tolerances shown on the Data Editor tab, you can see what happens in DataPage.
Using my earlier example, a hole that gives 0.100 bonus tolerance when imported into DataPage with 1.000 TP, will then show 1.100 tolerance. If you change ANY of those values (DF.B, TP.B, B, or B.B) the TP value will still show 1.100. If you change the TP tolerance to 0.500, it will auto-calculate and show 0.600. It will always maintain that 0.100 MMC value, somewhere.
Those values, at least modified via DataPage, do not affect the TP tolerance that is calculated.
Any (legacy) TP dimension you send from PC-DMIS to DataPage (I use the DataImporter with XML) that has MMC selected. Then in DataPage Tools>Options, select the "Include Bonus Tolerance" option. If you have Tolerances shown on the Data Editor tab, you can see what happens in DataPage.
Using my earlier example, a hole that gives 0.100 bonus tolerance when imported into DataPage with 1.000 TP, will then show 1.100 tolerance. If you change ANY of those values (DF.B, TP.B, B, or B.B) the TP value will still show 1.100. If you change the TP tolerance to 0.500, it will auto-calculate and show 0.600. It will always maintain that 0.100 MMC value, somewhere.
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