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Not enough spaces for path

When I use our part number - example: 136538-038-01-1 in our path line for a new part number, I get an error. I have to remove numbers from it which confuses some people here, anyway I was asked to see if this number of spaces could be increased to allow for our full part number instead of shorting it. I think I am at a max. of 8 spaces.
Thanks in advance for any assistance
  • Thanks Matt

    When you go to OPEN the new path, you will see 'funny' text for the path name, since DP only 'sees' 8 characters, I don't know if that will be an additional problem for you, if in the path, the 'real' name is PART123456789. you will see PART12~9 or something like that. That might also be a problem, however, the path in Pcdmis will show correctly.
  • Thanks Matt

    When you go to OPEN the new path, you will see 'funny' text for the path name, since DP only 'sees' 8 characters, I don't know if that will be an additional problem for you, if in the path, the 'real' name is PART123456789. you will see PART12~9 or something like that. That might also be a problem, however, the path in Pcdmis will show correctly.
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