I did everything right. This is a new install. The data is exported to the database. I open Datapage and all 5 parts with the results are there. I pick the value required, I pick the last 20 parts I hit APPLY ALL and this ERROR pops up: GRR/NOVA requires at least 5 parts
Is there a setting I am missing? Some box that I need to click on or off?
Cannot find anywhere for sample size, I am using DataPage+5.2 I believe its now a default because it says the minimum of parts and trails needed. I will search for more info here. Thanks Vinni
Are you using Inputs to track Operator, Sample and Trial? If you are, you select them when you choose the GRR report, and I think it automatically detects based on your numbers. I did a 5x3x3 and it auto-populated the report as a 5x3x3.