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Datapage to o-qis

I'm struggling on how to separate the xyzt values from each other. For example I would like to collect just the T values. How do I go about doing this? Also how do I view all the data I collected for a certain part? I have 100s of cores and it seems like there is a roll off in the value mask after 75 cores are in there. How do I fix this? Also, How do I create a CSV that would include just the part number ID which gets obtained from a tracefield in pcdmis, and just the T values, and another CSV file that would include the part number ID and the xyz values? I'm having a hell of a time with this software.
  • , the title says Datapage to O-QIS, but the questions seem like they are strictly O-QIS related. Is your question about the migration or the use of O-QIS?
  • Sorry I should've elaborated more. Since DATAPAGE is no longer supported the company I work for bought a new CMM and Qdas was selected as the data collection software. In DATAPAGE I was able to upload data from pcdmis using an external command in the program. From there I was able then to go into DATAPAGE and separate the characteristics relatively easy and then create a spreadsheet report and save as a CSV file. I'm struggling to be able to do the same in OQis. And the support for Qdas is mediocre since none of the people who work for Qdas really don't know a darn thing about DATAPAGE, this is just from personal experience so far.
  • Sorry I should've elaborated more. Since DATAPAGE is no longer supported the company I work for bought a new CMM and Qdas was selected as the data collection software. In DATAPAGE I was able to upload data from pcdmis using an external command in the program. From there I was able then to go into DATAPAGE and separate the characteristics relatively easy and then create a spreadsheet report and save as a CSV file. I'm struggling to be able to do the same in OQis. And the support for Qdas is mediocre since none of the people who work for Qdas really don't know a darn thing about DATAPAGE, this is just from personal experience so far.
  • The second point is easier, so I answer that first:

    From my point of view I understand you want to export the data to an csv-file. This can be done in | File | Save... | Save as (Configuration Excel export) provided the data are loaded. Simply put in the name "test.csv" will do the trick. The standard does not include the part identification number, but you can include this by going to | File | Configuration | Further settings | Configuration Excel export. On the right side you can chose the part identification number (normally K0014). 

    O-QIS is intended to show the collected data to the operator of the CMM. The user decides if everything has bee measured correctly and can review a limited history. This operator is normally not interested in very long time periods of historical data. For a "real" evaluation the data will normally be uploaded to a "real database" instead of the temporary one in O-QIS. To evaluate these Data you would use qs-STAT normally for machine or process capabilities. There you would be able to evaluate these data much easier than in O-QIS.

    You are correct that Q-DAS does not know anything about Datapage. But if you describe the problem it is very likely that we have a solution.