Are there any documents/ help files pertaining on how to use append mode in O-Quis CMM Reporting?
See attached I found this small section mentions it, but I'm unable to find this anywhere else in the help files.
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Are there any documents/ help files pertaining on how to use append mode in O-Quis CMM Reporting?
See attached I found this small section mentions it, but I'm unable to find this anywhere else in the help files.
Hello, this is a special function which should be discussed in a short teams-meeting, as there are now also different other possibilities. What has to be know with this function is, that the MCA/CMM-Reporting is the "reduced" to be only a "data-viewer". I will search the Start-/Stop-Parameter which are needed, in the meantime please go in contact with me or Adam Brichacek (one of the 2 owners of this forum) to talk about the functionality.
Hello, this is a special function which should be discussed in a short teams-meeting, as there are now also different other possibilities. What has to be know with this function is, that the MCA/CMM-Reporting is the "reduced" to be only a "data-viewer". I will search the Start-/Stop-Parameter which are needed, in the meantime please go in contact with me or Adam Brichacek (one of the 2 owners of this forum) to talk about the functionality.
Found them: Just to save them here in the Forum: With the Button-Bar-Designer 2 Buttons with this both function codes could be used for this:
Start Reload (4/13015/1)
Stop Reload (4/13015/0)
the functionality is then, that a part is loaded from database, with the Start-Button this part is reloaded fix all 2 Seconds, new values in the database are add to the graphics. Changings in the header of the part/characteristic are not reloaded.
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