In the table below this was previously grouped so the text would follow the table around. I've ungrouped and was unable to find/ figure out how to group the text back.
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In the table below this was previously grouped so the text would follow the table around. I've ungrouped and was unable to find/ figure out how to group the text back.
You can mark many elements with the SHIFT- button pressed. or you can hold the mouse and chose an area
then, with a right mouse click (and the mouse HAVE to be on an element) you get the menu to group (with the right mouse click)
you can group also groups together (cascaded groups). This is for example done with our default header and footer. everything is one group, both groups grouped.
Thanks Thomas works perfectly. I was trying to hold down ctrl and select multiple elements. Best way to learn is to break it and try to fix it!
Maybe also a possibility is also to work with the ribbon bar. Me as a very old user I am familiar with the right mouse click, as a Beginner, maybe also working with the Ribbon may be a little easier.
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