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Dear customer. We are pleased to provide you with the idea platform on the Community. In addition to the rules, which you can see downside, we ask you to observe a few things:

The ideas platform is only checked at irregular intervals. There may therefore be delays in responding. Ideas can also be rejected, especially if the actual wish behind them is not clear. In this case, we will take the liberty of asking counter-questions and contacting the customer, even outside the platform. If the request contains various normative requirements, we ask you to inform us of the name and version of the standard, as this must then only be procured after Hexagon has confirmed the request. (Neither complete standards nor extract of them may be attached here on the platform! The administrators of the platform would have to delete this immediately). If personal data is also required on the basis of the European Data Protection Regulation to process the idea, we will contact you outside the platform.

Furthermore, we must also take into account the limited resources for requests and possibly give preference to elementary requests or, in the case of very special requests, realize them in a paid development.

Voting on Ideas

  • You can have only one net vote per Idea. (If you remove it, you can re-vote.)
  • You can revise your vote (e.g., from voting down to voting up).
  • If you have voted positively once, clicking the up arrow again will delete your vote (you become neutral).
  • If you have voted negatively once, clicking the down arrow will delete your vote (you become neutral).
  • SPC Control Charts for CMMs w/ O-QIS - MCA/CMM Reporting

    • Under Review on
    German Version below Hello, is it please possible to extend the functions of O-QIS MCA/CMM-Reporting, so that SPC control charts for measuring machines with a fixed sample size (e.g. n=5, sample type = fixed) can be created, calculated and visualized...
  • Graph Part failure rate over time

    • Under Review on
    • 1 Comment
    In the report below this shows the total number of parts measured "3508". Number of parts failed "688". Number of parts passed "2820" and there percentages. I would like a way to graph the percentage of parts failed over time by days, weeks or months...
  • The first Idea for the Q-DAS Product Line

    • Need More Info on
    This is the first entry in the ideas platform to test the functionalities.
  • Hierarchical user management

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    • 1 Comment
    It would be useful, if one could define a hierarchy among different user groups. So one user group automatically gets all the rights from the "lower" group plus some additional rights. When it comes to configuration the "higher" user group can adjust...
  • Form designer for csv output

    • Under Review on
    I often need to output data in a csv format, so I can reference the Q-DAS data output with other databases in the business. I can create a PDF form design with my required output, but not to csv. The only method I have available to me is to use the...
  • Formular designer: Create object 'signature field' w/ automatic signature by click on (PDF function)

    • Under Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Provide new object for formular designer