Some people think, that the Q-DAS – Strategies are “the best one on the market”.
This is not true!
Especially at the beginning of the SPC journey, the number of options used should not overwhelm users. Take one step at a time. The Q-DAS strategies supplied are a good start if you don't yet have your own guidance. And they also show what is possible. That's why all kinds of alarms are active there for Quality Control Charts, it is active that if no Quality Control Chart has been saved, a provisional Quality Control Chart is calculated... There is also a lot of show and marketing behind it. Showing what we could do. Could!
The Q-DAS strategy is not the best strategy for you! (and now you have to imagine me standing in front of you and pointing my finger at you...) You have to define for yourself what works best for you - in relation to the "level" you are currently at. Which alarms they can now expect their users to receive. Which control charts you offer as "SPC QCC" as a suggestion to your SPC managers.
The last row in the Q-DAS strategy is "up for discussion".